Count on the field: ‘Refound the Movement will not be a restyling operation’ – Politics


“Today I am here with you also because behind the requests of many of you and Beppe Grillo, I accepted this complex and fascinating challenge: to reestablish the 5-star Movement. It is not a restyling or political marketing operation but a brave job. regeneration of the Movement, without denying the past ”. This was stated by former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at the M5 assembly.


That of the ecological transition, with the intention of transforming the Movement into a political force very focused on environmentalism. That of the commitment in the territory, of the connection with the base, and that of the garrison, with the Democratic Party, of a progressive and reformist area, clearly an alternative to the center-right. With all the subordinates that this field choice entails: from the alliances for the administrative offices, the terrain on which to measure the collaboration with the democratic party also with regard to politics, to the markedly European position and the possible transfer to the house of the Democratic Party. Alliance of European Socialists and Democrats. A choice of location that is now taken for granted and that, in essence, has already determined the departure of those elected who have made other assessments about this discriminant. But it is in the organization of the Movement where the arrival of Conte leaves intact the doubts of the elected troops, and in particular of the parliamentarians, still displaced by Grillo’s reconfirmation of the link between the two mandates. “The hypothesis of evaluating the ‘deserving’, the beginning of a kind of cursus honorum, does not exist. And in any case it does not concern the mandates”, cuts a parliamentarian in the second “round” who sees the path of the award as too divisive “for compromise;” The group could never sustain it. It would be the end of the world. “