No yellow zone for a month and Matteo salvini It immediately arises: “It is a political choice that does not satisfy.” The new anti-Covid decree, in fact, states that until April 30, Italy will be only red or orange. The draft of the new Covid decree was debated in the afternoon during a Council of Ministers that gave the green light to the new regulations in force from April 7 to 30. Rules that, according to the scheme established in the last control room, therefore exclude the reopening of bars and restaurants for lunch, provided only by the color yellow. Schools are back in attendance through sixth grade, including in the red zone. The vaccination obligation is also foreseen for pharmacists and exceptions will be granted to reopen based on infections and vaccines.
Then, after pressure from the “aperturisti” – Lega at the head – and the tug of war in recent days, a mechanism was inserted into the decree that allows a “coupon” to the measures and the government can decide whether to apply less rigid norms in some Regions but only if the epidemiological situation allows it, with particularly scarce data and vaccines in order, especially with regard to the elderly and frail, with a resolution of the Council of Ministers. The passage, however, does not lower the leader of the League at all: “It is something that does not satisfy us, it is a political and unscientific election – he said intercepted by the cameras of Fan page outside the House – I hope that the CDM will decide based on scientific data, as President Draghi said, and that from April 7 it will evaluate intensive care, infections, RT, who is red is red, who is white reopens ”.
Anti-Covid Decree, no automatic returns in the yellow zone. It doesn’t reopen for a month.
by Tommaso Ciriaco and Carmelo Lopapa
After the Council of Ministers there is no press conference, nor of the prime minister Mario draghi nor of ministers Roberto Speranza and Maria Stella Gelmini, as happened in the first anti-Covid dl of the new government.
Obligation of vaccines also for pharmacists
“Traders, health professions and health professionals who carry out their activity in public and private health, social and assistance structures, public and private, pharmacies, parapharmacies and professional offices”, will have the obligation to vaccinate. Decree. Vaccination will be an “essential requirement” for the exercise of the profession. For those who refuse, the transfer to “functions, even lower ones” is foreseen with the “treatment corresponding to the functions performed”. If this is not possible, “no remuneration is due for the period of suspension.”
Criminal shield for health workers who vaccinate
For homicide and culpable personal injuries “occurred by the administration of a vaccine for the prevention of SARS-CoV -2, carried out during the extraordinary vaccination campaign in execution of the” national “Plan, the sanction is excluded when the use of the vaccine complies with the indications contained in the marketing authorization provision issued by the competent authorities and with the circulars published on the institutional website of the Ministry of Health regarding vaccination activities. ”This is provided for by the Covid decree project that is expected in the MDL in the afternoon. On the part of the doctors, however, there is disappointment by the new LD regardingto protect and the obligation to vaccinate: “Criminal protection for professionals, who have operated in an extraordinary context, is incomplete and insufficient. The rules on the obligation to vaccinate are not very effective either – says the president of the National Federation of Orders of Physicians and Surgeons and Dentists (Fnomceo), Filippo Anelli – If the decree of law is approved in the terms of the drafts that are circulating, we cannot hide a bit of disappointment ”.
No-Vax toilets suspended until the end of the year
And the suspension of non-vax toilets will last until December 31, 2021. The sanction will expire before if the interested parties reconsider and undergo vaccination or in any case at the end of the vaccination plan, the suspension will only intervene if it is not possible to assign the worker to different tasks that do not involve the risk of spreading the vaccination. infection.
School, after Easter in presence from infancy to sixth grade
by Corrado Zunino
The school
Then there is the school record. Back to classes up to sixth grade throughout Italy, including the red zones. The draft decree establishes that governors may not issue more restrictive orders to suspend assistance activities. “From April 7 to April 30, the execution of educational services is guaranteed in presence throughout the country” up to the sixth grade, he says. A provision that “cannot be waived by provisions of the presidents of the autonomous regions and provinces.” In the orange and yellow area, attendance is through eighth grade and a minimum of 50% in high school.
Variation alert, close to travel. Quarantine for those entering Italy
by Alessandra Ziniti
Possible exceptions based on infections and vaccines
“Due to the advance of the epidemic, as well as the state of implementation of the National Strategic Vaccine Plan referred to in article 1, paragraph 457, of Law No. 178 of December 30, 2020, with special reference to people older and more fragile, with a resolution of the Council of Ministers, it can be determined in derogation “to the rule that for the entire month of April the orange zone is also applied to the Regions that have data from the yellow zone.” A draft of the decree Covid foresees it. By resolution of Cdm specific exceptions can be made.
Stop visiting friends in the red light district until April 30
Until April 30 in the red zones it will not be allowed to visit family or friends once a day and in a maximum of two people (in addition to children under 14 years of age who live together) since it will be allowed on the Easter weekend When all of Italy will be in the red In the orange zone, on the other hand, visits will be allowed, always once a day from 5 to 22 and always in no more than two people, within the municipality of residence, as required by the drought of the decree.
Public tenders present from May 3
As of May 3, 2021, it is possible to carry out the selection procedures in the presence of competitions called by public administrations ”, foresees the drought of the decree of law. The tests must be carried out “in accordance with the guidelines validated by the Scientific Technical Committee”. The measures for carrying out the procedures for public tenders are included in article 10. To “reduce the times for hiring personnel”, we read, administrations can proceed with “simplified procedures for conducting tests.” In particular, “in competitions for the hiring of non-managerial personnel, the performance of a single written test and an oral test”; “The use of computer and digital tools and, in particular, the oral examination by videoconference, guaranteeing the adoption of technical solutions that ensure publicity, the identification of participants, the security of communications and their traceability, in compliance with legislation on the protection of personal data “,” a phase of evaluation of qualifications and professional experience for the purposes of admission to the subsequent phases of the contest “and” in this case, the relative score contributes to the formation of the score final ” .
Green light for competition in the judiciary
The written test of the ordinary magistrate contest organized by decree of the Minister of Justice of October 29, 2019, also in derogation of the current provisions that regulate the conduct of bankruptcy procedures during the pandemic emergency, is allowed ”. The drought of the Legislative Decree that is being examined by the Council of Ministers. It will be an ad hoc decree of the Guardian of Precincts, which will be adopted within thirty days following the date of entry into force of the Covid dl, once the favorable opinion of the Scientific Technical Committee has been obtained, to establish the operating procedures for the competition of written and oral tests, as well as the conditions of access to the room for the examination, “in order to avoid a possible spread of the infection by Covid 19”.
Variation alert, close to travel. Quarantine for those entering Italy
by Alessandra Ziniti
Trips abroad
The other hot topic is that of foreign travel: the ordinance issued yesterday by the Ministry of Health on the obligation of a swab and a 5-day quarantine for those who go abroad and return to Italy or for those who enter from abroad to Italy could be extended until April 30. But there are those who, for the most part, still have some doubts.
Appointment of Bini to the CDM of the new Undersecretary for Relations with Parliament
Possible appointment today in Cdm of the new Undersecretary for Relations with Parliament. For the ‘table vacated by Simona Malpezzi, the new parent company of the Pd in the Senate, the senator dem Caterina Bini is in pole position.
On the CDM Covid containment measures and Venice cruise traffic
An ideas contest to create berths for cruise ships outside the protected waters of the Venetian Lagoon. It is another passage from drought of the decree of law that is expected today on the CDM table. “The Port Authority of the North Adriatic Sea, within sixty days” from the entry into force of the decree “, proceeds to the experimentation of an ideas contest divided into two phases” for “the elaboration of ideas and projects of a technical and economic. feasibility “to create and manage mooring points outside the protected waters of the Venetian lagoon. 2.2 million are allocated for 2021.
The ideas competition is launched “to reconcile the carrying out of cruise activities in the territory of Venice and its lagoon with the safeguarding of the uniqueness and excellence of the cultural, landscape and environmental heritage of that territory”. The mooring points outside the protected waters of the Venetian Lagoon should be used “by passenger ships with a gross tonnage of over 40,000 tons and by container ships used for transoceanic transport”.