It will not be an easy Council of Ministers that in the afternoon, between confinements and regions in the red zone, is called to launch a new decree for the containment of Covid-19 and that should be valid from April 7 to 30. In the Draghi government the two well-known factions confront each other, and it is not ruled out that a political summit is necessary before the Council. The Lega and FI ministers (Giorgetti and Gelmini) are more open-minded. Those of M5S, Pd and Leu (Patuanelli, Franceschini and Speranza) are very cautious, with Iv (Bonetti) in the middle asking to decide following the data. On the need not to loosen the measures and the current color system reduced to orange and red, on paper nobody is opposed.
The confrontation is about the request for a substantial return of the yellow zone requested by Lega and FI if the infection rate falls below “one” for seven consecutive days. Mario Draghi in the last press conference had explained that the reopening of schools up to sixth grade even in the red zones is the only “luxury” that – delivered by hand – we can now afford.
Draghi decree, hypothesis of restaurants open for lunch. The yellow zone measures whether infections are reduced.
Mandatory mask everywhere (including the beach) even for the vaccinated: Spain is in the lead
A “luxury” that he aims to defend also by working on a rule that prevents governors from doing their thing by sending elementary and middle school students back home. However, Draghi had not closed to a possible control, during the month, on the suitability of the restrictive measures in relation to the trend of infections.
Matteo Salvini, however, has been pushing for days. He asks that a kind of automatism be included in the decree to allow, in regions that for a week had infections below the 1 Rt threshold, to reopen bars, restaurants, public places, cinemas, theaters. As well as recovering freedom of movement in other municipalities or regions even if you do not have a second home. For all intents and purposes, it is about restoring the yellow zone, which for CTS technicians “is capable of containing infections, but not reducing them” and which scares both Minister Speranza and her colleague Franceschini. The mediation that Draghi will take to the Council of Ministers foresees an assessment of the data that, if very positive, could also allow new openings of restaurants, bars and cinemas to be made on April 15 or 20. It would be a way to prepare the country for the reopening without dismantling the current color system and related restrictions and avoid limiting the validity of the decree to April 15, as someone asked yesterday.
The opening would also be a sign of confidence linked to the progress of the vaccination campaign that should reach its climax in the middle of next month thanks to the massive arrival of the promised doses from Brussels. The regional presidents also contribute to the tug of war, with a clear majority of the center-right, who the day before yesterday asked the government to give precise signals about the reopening.
The decree also provides for the inclusion of the vaccination obligation for those who work in health establishments. Justice Minister Marta Cartabia worked together with Health Minister Roberto Speranza on the issue, raised by various parties after the cases of the elderly infected by unvaccinated health workers. The vaccination obligation will not only be for doctors and nurses but will affect all those who, for various reasons, work in health facilities, nursing homes and private clinics. Therefore, the obligation arises not only for doctors and for those who work in the room, but also, for example, for receptionists and for employees who have contact with the public. The dismissal has disappeared from the sanctions but the suspension of work and salary could skyrocket as long as the pandemic represents a danger. A “criminal shield” is also envisaged for those who administer the vaccine, limiting the punishment only to cases of gross negligence.
The prohibition to move between regions remains even after April 7. Mobility will be allowed only for reasons of health, need and urgency, but you can always reach your residence, home or domicile. As well as you can go to second homes, including those in the red zone, as long as they are owned or rented with a contract signed before January 14 and that they do not fall within the regions that have issued even more restrictive ordinances such as they made. , for Easter, Tuscany, South Tyrol, Aosta Valley, Sardinia and Liguria, which extended the ban to boats, motorhomes and caravans as well.
The smallest of the classroom also in the red zone
As is already known, April 7 is the date set by the government for going back to school even in the red zone. Kindergarten and preschool kids and elementary school students will no longer have to stay at daddy. However, to prevent governors from escaping, as has already happened in the past, there will be an express prohibition for the Regions to close schools up to the sixth grade, regardless of the color of the territory.
The ban on crossing regional borders has been extended.
The new extension of the prohibition to move between Regions (regardless of their color) should also be contained in the decree law that is being defined, except to return to one’s residence or for reasons of necessity. Travel to second homes must also continue to be allowed (with known limitations, such as traveling alone, to homes that are vacant and can be shown to be homeowners).
The facilities are still closed but with a flash for the middle of the month.
With the yellow zone still effectively abolished, restaurants and bars must remain closed. However, if the epidemic data turns out to be encouraging at the time of the reassessment scheduled for mid-April, they could reopen at least for lunch. Perhaps until the 15th or 16th. However, it would not be the so-called “reinforced yellow zone”, but a less rigorous orange.
In-person public contests but with the Ffp2
After the green light of the Cts in the text, the protocol for the development of public contests will arrive. Among the indications, to keep them at the provincial or regional level or in large open spaces (when possible). In addition, staggered entry times are envisaged for candidates who must present with a negative swab performed within the previous 48 hours and an Ffp2 mask.
Malls are always off limits on weekends.
Exchange little or nothing for commercial activities. If those considered essential (such as supermarkets and food outlets in general, or pharmacies and kiosks) are always open – with a long list that also includes hardware stores and bookstores – the shopping centers will also have to follow the same rules. And then close the weekend both in the red zone and in the orange zone.
Sanctions for unvaccinated health personnel
In the new decree that arrives today, there should finally be a decisive rule that effectively imposes the obligation to vaccinate non-vax health workers. According to what has been learned, the Ministry of Justice is in fact working on a mechanism that provides sanctions, fines and disciplinary measures (such as transfer from one department to another), for those health workers who refuse to be vaccinated.
The criminal shield for vaccinators is coming
Among the rules introduced there should be some to protect doctors who vaccinate in hypothetical fatal cases after administration. It cannot be called a “criminal shield” – since the procedure will be opened in any case with registration in the registry of suspects of those who vaccinated according to the decisions of the Prosecutor’s Office – but the guarantee will be valid because there will be a distinction between “guilty” death. and the derivative of “gross negligence”.