Covid vaccines in Italy: what changes after the last Figliuolo ordinance – Cronaca


Rome, March 30, 2021 – Be one Region buy something vaccine dose he must distribute them “equally” to all othersThe extraordinary commissioner for the Covid emergency, Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, has made it clear today, in statements to the social affairs committees of the Chamber and the Senate. It also opens the possibility of expanding to other types of vaccines “if necessary, why not? Whatever it is.” The commissioner then announced the arrival of more than 8 million doses, including 400,000 Johnson & Johnson. Figliuolo in the House and Senate committees confirmed the increase in vaccination for the most vulnerable people, with the aim of reaching 80% of the population by September 30, thanks to a goal, however yet to be reached, of 500 thousand administrations per day, and that the general expects to be fully operational in the third week of April: all this will allow, argued the extraordinary commissioner, collective immunity at the end of September ”. shots at the end of the day To avoid waste, the head of Civil Protection intervened Fabrizio Curcio with clear stop: not to those who wait in the hope of taking advantage of it, but the serum must be given to people from the same category to which it was originally intended, otherwise the risk is “losing the confidence of the citizen.”

Covid Italia Newsletter of March 30

Vaccines: if the Region buys, it must distribute

“Other types of vaccines, if they are needed, why not? Whatever. If a Region buys them, assuming it can, it must distribute them equally to all the others. Pantelleria in Tarvisio must have different possibilities, our Constitution also says so ”, said the extraordinary commissioner for the Covid emergency to the social affairs committees of the Chamber and the Senate.

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Supply forecast

“Forecasts on the supply of vaccines for the month of April confirm the current growing trend, with more than 8 million doses arriving, 400 thousand of which are of the type Johnson and Johnson“Figliuolo said.

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Vaccines: the daily goal

“The goal is that of 500,000 administrations a day in full operation, which will be reached in the third week of April to obtain collective immunity at the end of September”, is the general’s forecast, reiterated before the House and Senate committees. Regarding the situation of the administration of vaccines: “Since the beginning of the campaign, 9.6 million have been reached and there has been a significant increase in terms of the most vulnerable people: our elderly and those who suffer from serious diseases. 3.7 million doses administered, a figure that grows day by day ”. Figliulo aims to “achieve the vaccination of 80% of the population before September 30 of this year, giving immediate priority to the most vulnerable people.”

More vaccinators

“The capillarization of the administrations is fundamental for the success of the vaccination campaign”, reiterated the general, “we intend to increase the audience of vaccinators, promoting agreements with general practitioners, private clinics, postgraduates, the Italian federation of sports medicine, pediatricians and doctors outpatient clinics, hiring doctors on duty, dentists, pharmacists. “And he added:” We are thinking of everyone with Minister Speranza, if we want to be pragmatic, we accept small risks for the benefit of a higher Administrators should have some minimum requirements, but if we start by saying ‘comma, semicolon, exclamation point then forget it’.

More vaccination points

“We currently have more than 2,000 vaccination points of various sizes: their number grew by 30% in March,” explained the Covid emergency commissioner in a hearing before the joint Social Affairs committees. Another 420 sites for vaccine administration have been identified and communicated to the Regions, Figliuolo added. Large-scale distribution production sites, gymnasiums, schools, association structures or the CIS, the Italian Episcopal Conference, were also identified.

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Regions, vaccinate even domiciled

The extraordinary commissioner signed an order, issued yesterday for the implementation of the National Strategic Plan for Anti-Covid Vaccines, in which “each Region or Autonomous Province will proceed to vaccinate not only the population residing in it, but also of the domiciled in the regional territory for the sake of work, family care or for any other justified and proven cause that imposes a continuous presence in the Region or the Autonomous Province ”.

Curcio: vaccines at the end of the day that they have the right to

The head of civil protection Fabrizio Curcio broached the topic, much discussed in recent days, about who wait for the remaining vaccinations at the end of the day, waiting for an injection by skipping categories and files. “It takes one homogenizationI will speak to the commissioner, “Curcio said in a videoconference before the Chamber’s Committee on Social Affairs. The head of the Department of Civil Protection admitted that” the objective of not wasting even a drop of the vaccine is to be absolutely pursued. ” , but “in the Beyond the general indications, in my opinion, an agreement with the Regions is necessary to address the remaining doses are not in the twenties, ma to the same category what they were meant for. Otherwise, they are created screaming situations, people who wait, mechanisms that make citizens lose confidence. If we lose it, the campaign will not continue ”. So: there are no residual doses of vaccine for people who stand in line knowing that that day was not foreseen in the vaccination calendar.
