Only 15 days to choose the locations and submit the mobility application, but also the confirmed five-year restriction (except for a couple of exceptions, linked to the conditions of cessation or supernumerary and the permits linked to Law 104/92 with recent reasons ): at least to read the first useful information, for tenured professors, mobility in 2021 does not look exactly how they wanted. However, precarious workers could take advantage of it, for whom interesting prospects for permanent employment are now opening up, in addition to fixing a legal deadline.
Too few days to apply
After all, such a short time frame to submit your application, plus Easter in between, therefore 12 actual days, is not remembered in the history of Italian school mobility.
It is also true that the Ministry of Education could not do otherwise, both to fulfill the commitments assumed (also by Prime Minister Mario Draghi and by the owner of MI, Patrizio Bianchi) to place as many temporary workers as possible in the position, and to cover all vacant chairs as of September 1.
In fact, by accelerating the mobility time, that summer “window” will be created at the end of August, useful for completing permanent hiring operations and for annual replacements, before the 2021/22 school year begins.
That burning bond
Even on the regulatory front, tenured teachers have little to be happy about because the five-year restriction on new hires, which has been talked about so much in recent days, has not been affected.
After all, how could it have been done otherwise? As Parliament did not intervene, Legislative Decree no. 126/2019 which introduces the five-year block for all those who enter the role of teacher in the school remains firmly alive.
Of course, there remains a very pale possibility: that in the process of converting the decree ‘Sostegni’ into law an amendment of this tenor could be approved.
Except that, as we have already written in this newspaper, such a decision seems incompatible with the entire provision: that is, the amendment could be declared inadmissible and in this case it would not even be questioned.
The precarious on the launch pad
There are those who, on closer inspection, could still derive more than one benefit from the confirmed obligation to remain in the province: they are precarious teachers.
In fact, the Ministry of Education would be working to produce those contracts that in recent years have not been able to be implemented (if not in small numbers) due to lack of candidates: therefore, for the precarious to be hired, these contests. because only qualifications and services can be dusted off, last implemented by Sergio Mattarella, Minister of Education, more than twenty years ago.
Considering the high number of vacant seats (60,000 vacancies and another 30,000 retirements on the way), not a few precarious workers could find themselves in a position close to home. Although he was hired last year, he won’t be able to move in until 2024.
A solution that we hope is wrong could have the effect of further incentivizing the race to appeal.