Yellow areas can reappear. Not immediately, but after mid-April. And perhaps a “reinforced yellow”, with bars and restaurants closed at four in the afternoon and not at six to avoid nightlife and gatherings. After pressure from Matteo Salvini and the center-right Regions, Mario Draghi is oriented to introduce in the new anti-Covid decree a clearer reference to the possibility of making restrictive measures more flexible in the face of an objective improvement of the data. The League, the center-right governors and now also Forza Italia, would like an “automatic mechanism”. Thus, in view of the Council of Ministers scheduled for tomorrow, negotiations began.
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The prime minister, after adopting this Friday the line of “maximum caution” suggested by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, by Pd. 5 Stelle, Leu and by the technicians of the Scientific Technical Committee, seeks mediation in the name of “pragmatism”. divide government and majority. “We need to restore hope to the country thinking about planning the reopening, we have to start to have a ‘taste for the future’ again and get out of this situation of inactivity,” said Draghi during the summit with the Regions.
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In addition, Mariastella Gelmini at the same summit with the governors put in the minutes: “The text of the Covid decree is not yet ready, but we are all saying the same thing,” said the Minister of Regional Affairs, “we must give citizens a perspective At the same time, this is not the time to say “we reopen everything”, until April 15-20 we will still need a lot of attention. But then, if the numbers improve, within the decree an automatism would be needed to foresee specific openings without the need to approve a new provision ”.
It must be said that a relaxation of Speranza’s career and the rigorous front would not be a defeat. On the contrary: “Nobody is happy with the closures.” And now every Friday, according to the weekly report on the progress of the epidemic, the control room made up of the Ministry of Health, the Higher Institute of Health and the representatives of the Regions, tightens or softens the anti-Covid measures. According to Speranza, in short, the automatic mechanism to mitigate the hardening already exists, but the rules of the yellow zones could not contain the variants of Covid. Hence the decision, last Friday, to leave only red or orange areas until April 30.
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La Lega and Forza Italia, this time with Draghi’s availability, however, would like to introduce an automatism towards the yellow zone in tomorrow’s decree. And if the “automatic mechanism” were approved, the restrictions would be relaxed as soon as the data of the epidemic allowed it without the need for a new measure. This could happen on April 16, or when the epidemic curve and the state of intensive care allow it. And it would mean the reopening of bars and restaurants in areas where the incidence of the virus is lower and the criticalities in hospitals are lower.
Salvini is already celebrating independently: “For us, Draghi’s phrases about a possible reopening are a victory,” the leader of the Northern League leaked in the evening, “no inexorable closure for the entire month of April, but a careful evaluation and reasonable data to avoid further penalizing families and companies even in areas less affected by the virus ”.
The decree will also include the obligation to vaccinate “health workers in contact with the sick.” Doctors and nurses who continue to refuse to be vaccinated will face a change to another position or, when this is not possible, a ban on work with suspension of salary. However, the text has not yet been defined because, as the Ministry of Labor filters, “there is an ongoing evaluation of the scope of the sanctions.” The provision will also include a “guarantee rule” regarding criminal consequences for those who administer the vaccine, except in the case of gross negligence.