President Draghi He gives us little satisfaction, difficult to catch some of his slides to be included in the ranking of The Worst of the Week. It is so precise, methodical. Not as Giuseppi. This time, speaking to the Chambers, Draghi was not mistaken. He is certainly not a saint, as many paint him, and not even a superhero. He is prepared and, above all, takes care of communication. Fortunately, there are others who, intrepid, get carried away and often, very often, give their worst.
Do you know who Laura Boldrini is? Yes, she is the former president of the Chamber of Deputies, a sworn enemy of Matteo Salvini but, above all, a defender of women’s rights. The number one feminist (according to her). However, it did not turn out to be so. After the case of the unpaid maid (according to him) and the former parliamentary maintenance assistant, Boldrini is justified. Making your situation worse. To Repubblica she says: “My assistant hired me a hairdresser because I am a single woman.” And again “Did you – asks the interviewer – asked him to go to the pharmacy and pick up the tailor’s jackets?” Answer: “Yes, but I agreed. I knew that I also had personal needs ”. And she adds: “I live alone, my daughter is abroad, I do not move independently with protection.”
The support is few and the productive activities of the country on its knees, but there are those who think of giving the salary (500/700 euros per month) to immigrants, the illegal income. This is the (crazy?) Idea of the INPS president: “Now additional resources are needed, especially for large families and immigrants,” he told La Stampa.
After getting vaccinated (skipping the line) he wrote on facebook: “My vaccination is legal, Italians should thank me.” Oh yeah, and for what? But do you still have the courage to speak up?
“I would like a Pfitzer or Sputnik vaccine. I have many friends in Russia: they told me they were doing Sputnik and it’s perfect ”Dear Carrisi, if you want to get vaccinated quickly, do the same with Scanzi, declare that you are a“ partner ”, perhaps from Lecciso, and ask for the vaccine. Oh, don’t forget to thank Scanzi later.
The president of the Sicilian Regional Assembly is in an uproar. Because? Because the regional deputies were not included in the risk categories (according to their request) to receive the vaccine in the first place (elderly and frail). In the Assembly, after the contagion of a member of the accounting staff, he said: “I am so pissed off: I knew we were ending like this, with Covid. When I said that politicians had to get vaccinated, they teased us… I’d kill someone!
The war is not only between virologists … Dr. Bassetti, the one who says that he is always in the hospital while he is always live on television so to speak, attacked Simona Ventura on live TV, on Rai3 and Carta Bianca . Simona recounted her experience with Covid and how she was treated: “A friend of mine (a doctor) recommended that I start a prophylaxis based on heparin, cortisone and an antibiotic.” At that moment Bassetti came in with his leg stretched out and said “be the presenter, get a medical degree and then talk.” But it is the same doctor who said verbatim: “You do not die of coronavirus” as well as “Enough of scaremongering, this is not a pandemic, mortality is low.”
That he is still free to speak from the pulpit is serious business. Some priests should be locked up in cloistered monasteries. During the homily he said: “Vaccines made with live aborted fetuses”
The mayor of Benevento thinks of all of them. But all of them. Aside from Mark Zuckerberg (inventor of Facebook), Clemente is a genius. “I think it is something innovative: whoever downloads the application will be able to speak with artificial intelligence and ask” Clemente, what have you done for the districts? “And if I have not done enough, or less than I thought, a voice will explain why unfortunately it was not possible to do more and how I plan to intervene in the next five years. I think I am the first to bring artificial intelligence to a campaign . elections “said the mayor.
The former minister of the South in half an hour more, on Rai3: “I had contacts with Enrico for the school of politics, but I cannot call myself his friend. But I’m from his mother, who worked at the university where he studied. When the change was being decided, he told me ‘we have to give Enrico a hand, and I have not avoided’