Minister Speranza, announcing that until April 30 there will only be red and orange areas and that therefore bars and restaurants will remain closed, said that the contagion rate has finally dropped after 6 weeks. So why did you decide to confirm the adjustment, with the exception of kindergartens, elementary schools, and sixth grade?
“We see the first signs of contagion containment that are the effect of the implemented measures that are working. But the situation is still very serious. The pressure on our sanitary facilities is very high. We have more than 3,600 people in intensive care for Covid. We cannot afford to take a step too far or we would immediately nullify the sacrifices made. We only have a small treasure and we decided to spend it at school because of the strategic role it plays in our society. It is a wise choice.
Summer 2021, vacations in mask and out of curfew. Still no clubs
For Salvini, on the other hand, it is incomprehensible and has threatened not to vote on the decree in the Council of Ministers and in Parliament. Is mediation possible?
“I am not interested in political skirmishes. There is no disorder or downward mediation on people’s health. We all want to reopen, but we never forget that winning the health battle is the prerequisite for any restart in the country. “
Draghi, however, said that he does not rule out easing the ongoing measures if the situation allows it. Does this mean that the yellow zone could return before April 30 in some regions?
“Scientists tell us that in the epidemiological context in which we find ourselves, the yellow zone is not enough to contain the infection, as the figures from recent weeks have shown. We all want to go back to less restrictive measures, but we must be realistic and always say how things really are. I am confident that with the acceleration of the vaccination campaign the outlook may improve, but today the situation cannot be underestimated in any way.
If something doesn’t change first, what will happen after April 30? Will bars and restaurants, cinemas and theaters, gyms and swimming pools reopen? Will the curfew end at 10 p.m. and the ban on leaving the Region? Or will the tunnel exit be more gradual?
“We will evaluate the evolution of the infection week after week. However, gradualism will be necessary. There is no “X” day when everything magically resolves. The reality is increasingly complex. But we must have confidence. Those who say that we are in the same situation as a year ago are not telling the truth. We have exceeded 250,000 doses of vaccine in 24 hours and in the week we will reach 10 million doses.
Will the color system continue in May?
“Yes. The alternative to the color system would have been another general blockade, a perspective that we try to avoid. I think it is correct to adapt the measures to the epidemiological framework of each territory.”
He recently said that next summer the situation will be much better. Can you already tell Italians that they will be able to go on vacation? Also abroad? And can he stay on the beach without a mask as his undersecretary Sileri says?
“In recent months I have always been the most prudent of members of the government. It is my constitutional duty to protect health. We are facing a very insidious virus and the variants represent an additional complication of the panorama. The vaccination campaign, however, is the turning point that leads me to be more optimistic. I trust in a summer different from the days we live in.
Will there be a vaccination passport? And how will we avoid, as Draghi said, discrimination against those who do not get vaccinated?
“At the European level, work is being done on a ‘green pass’ mainly related to vaccines. There will be a close discussion on the implementation modalities, but I think it is the right way to start traveling safely again.
The vaccine plan has been sped up in recent days, but due to missing doses, it still works slowly compared to the goal of 500,000 daily doses. When do you think the supplies will be sufficient to reach the stated goal?
“These days at the end of March another 4 million doses are being distributed. Then we expect more than 50 million doses in the second quarter and more than 80 in the third. They are very large numbers that can allow us a great acceleration. Also included in this number is the Johnson & Johnson vaccine that allows immunity to be achieved with a single dose.
AstraZeneca has become something of a European public enemy. Delays in deliveries (only 18 million doses of the 120 promised in the first quarter) and 16 million vials stored at the Anagni plant. Can you tell us what happened and what will happen?
“For our campaign, all vaccines are essential and each dose can save a life. I want to remind you that when the regulatory agencies authorize it to be placed on the market it means that this vaccine is effective and safe. AstraZeneca has had delays in deliveries that I hope can be recovered as soon as possible. The vaccine is filled in Anagni which is then transferred to Belgium and the Netherlands for a final check and then shipped to the final destination. ‘
Could the use of Sputnik help make up for the lack of vials? Draghi advises caution and says Ema’s green light will take 3-4 months. What are you doing in the meantime? Will Italy say yes to Sputnik even without the EU?
“I don’t care what the nationality of the scientists who worked on a vaccine is. But if this vaccine is effective and safe. I trust our regulatory agencies, Ema and Aifa, that I am confident that they will be able to give us the correct information about the Sputnik vaccine, as well as any other vaccine in circulation in a timely manner.
In 3-4 months, Thermo Fisher will produce Pfizer in Italy. And ReiThera will also arrive. When? And with what amounts?
«ReiThera is an ambitious project with its feet firmly planted in our country. We intervene with public capital precisely to support the idea of an Italian vaccine. We hope that from autumn it will be one more step capable of meeting our needs.
Will these two productions, together with the import of AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna, cover the Italian needs?
“In total, we have opted for more than 240 million doses. It is a figure that by itself leaves no room for doubt ».
Many wonder if it will be necessary to repeat the vaccination every year.
“It is likely. Ongoing studies on the duration of immunity after vaccination will give us the definitive answer.”
Is Draghi the mandatory vaccination for doctors and nurses? Do you agree?
“In the meantime, it should be remembered that our doctors, nurses and health professionals have set a good example by adhering to the vaccination campaign in an extraordinary way. Then there is a residual part that has not yet adhered to which we are studying a standard. It is risky not to get vaccinated in places where there are fragile patients.
Some regions are lagging behind and, as Draghi said, have neglected the elderly and the most vulnerable. Why didn’t your ministry make sure that vaccination for those over 80 was given priority?
“When the main European regulatory agencies established a personal limitation on the use of AstraZeneca excluding the oldest categories, we used that vaccine for school personnel and law enforcement agencies. I want to remind you that having over 800,000 already vaccinated on the school staff will help us a lot when we return. Now that AstraZeneca is no longer limited, we return to the original criteria inspired by age and frailty. Everybody has to stick to the plan. ‘
Do you think that the Army and Civil Protection working groups will be enough to help the Regions and homogenize the vaccination campaign throughout the national territory?
«The spirit that guides us is that of maximum institutional collaboration. The lesson of these months is clear. Only the State and the Regions together can overcome this difficult challenge.
Do you think that the Poste booking platform should be adopted by all regions? Also to have a national database?
“The national platform is effective and all the data from the Regions are already flowing into it.”
When can vaccines be started in pharmacies?
«Soon, I wait between the end of April and May. We approved the norm in the last decree law. The agreement with the pharmacists is pending and the Higher Institute of Health is already organizing the training course.
Do you really think that 80% of Italians will be vaccinated in September? Or will there be delays due to lack of supplies?
“I am optimistic in light of the large number of incoming doses expected and the large number of vaccinators in the field. We have made agreements with general practitioners, pediatricians, fellows, outpatient specialists, dentists. In total 160 thousand doctors. In addition, 270,000 nurses from the national health service can participate in the campaign. I would like all Italians who want to be vaccinated to have the possibility before the end of the summer.
Will there still be restrictions at that time? Or just masks and spacing?
“We will evaluate it. But we will be in another story.”