Bars, restaurants, gyms, theaters, sports centers. In short, everything. Matteo salvini back to the office with reopenings after Easter, despite the fact that the descent of the curve has just begun and the pressure on hospitals they remain very high. While the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza reiterates that the priority is vaccination, the leader of the League still threatens the government after the first push on Friday, when he claimed it was “inconceivable” Keep a good chunk of activities on hold as well and April.
“Today is March 27th. If after Easter, in ten days, the health situation in many Italian cities will return Quiet me under control, according to you it will be correct to reopen Pub, restaurants, schools, gyms, theater, sports centers and all the activities which can be rebooted safely? In my opinion, yes, “writes the former vice president of the Council on Facebook, adding:” Running with vaccines me home therapies, and as soon as possible to reopen safely: ‘support for’ more useful and important is to return to work ”.
A term, that ‘support’, chosen not by chance since it is the name chosen by the government for the decree who assigned the help to companies affected by closures to try to contain the pandemic. The expedition of the leader of the League comes shortly after an intervention by Minister Speranza, in which he had clarified how the “Country priority” so much the vaccination campaign: “This morning in Latina I thanked the Carabinieri Nas – Nucleo Tutela della Salute – who in the last days intervened punctually with control S on storage vaccines. The vaccination campaign – he writes – is the country’s priority. We are a 250 thousand injections in 24 hours and we have to do each effort to get to Half a million of administrations. Working together we will achieve it ”.
On Friday, at the first warning, he had been Prime Minister Mario draghi to respond to Salvini, explaining to Salvini that the decision on openings and closings is made based on infections and the trend of the pandemic: “The closures are thinkable or unthinkable only in based on data we see, ”he said. “The measures proved over the course of a year and a half that they were not implausible. It is desirable to reopen, the decision to do it or not depends on the data ”. For this reason, the prime minister had added that on the restrictions “we will make a decree based on the data available today, but we will continue to follow this data week by week ”. And he guaranteed: “If the data changes, I do not rule out changes in the race “.