Coronavirus, latest news: Gentiloni (EU): «I believe that the GDP growth estimates 2021-2022 will be confirmed. Brusaferro: “The curve goes down, the summer will be freer”


Brusaferro, “the lower curve, freer summer”

“The contagion curve is downhill, but you cannot open everything. Summer will be freer ”. Thus Silvio Brusaferro president of the Higher Institute of Health, spokesman for the Scientific Technical Committee (CTS) in an interview with Corriere della Sera in which he explains that “we have won a space to reopen something and it is the school. We continue like this to gain more space ”.

“School has always been a priority not only in Italy – explains Brusaferro – Even the WHO has created a working table on this subject. In situations where the incidence is high, distance education should be used, but making it possible for children to return to school is the main goal. An important element is age. In younger groups, the infection circulates less and there is a lower risk of transmission to adults. It is a subject of debate at the international level. Studies tell us that prevention measures are important in face-to-face teaching and that to avoid an increase in incidence, strict control of the activities that run through the school, before and after, is necessary ”.

Why maintain the current restrictions throughout the month of April? “The figures speak for themselves – explains the expert – The occupancy of beds in intensive care has grown from 36 to 39%, as a consequence of the increase in cases. The threshold that must not be exceeded is 30%. “For the holidays, Brusaferro assures:” We are moving towards the hot season where it will be easier to stay outdoors and this will favor the slowdown of the transmission, always maintaining the distance, the mask and hand hygiene. However, we can think of vacation periods when we could allow ourselves a little more freedom by treasuring the lesson learned last summer, lived with too much joy. “
