Florence, March 26, 2021 – After counting the data on the new positives in COVID-19, the Tuscany ended up in the red zone, the one with the greatest restrictions to combat the pandemic of coronavirus. Therefore, some rules change: let’s see what can and cannot be done in Red zone with the main rules.
According to the Decree of the Prime Minister of March 2 and the decree law of March 12, in the red zones you can leave the house and you can move only for reasons of work, health and necessity. also to another Region or Autonomous Province. Reasons why you should always certify with the self-certification form. The Tuscans hoped they could forget it, but now the infamous module is topical again.
You can also reach second homes in the red zones. In fact, it is always allowed “the return to their residence, domicile or home, including the return to “second residences” located inside and outside the region.
Visits to family and friends are not allowed except for three days at Easter: April 3-4-5, when one visit per day within the region will be possible, from the 5th to the 22nd.
Until April 6 (in fact only for a few days since there will be Easter holidays) all schools and nurseries will be closed. For everyone, therefore, distance education, with the exception of children with disabilities who require special support. However, after April 6, schools through 6th grade will also be open in the red zone.
Retail activities are suspended with several exceptions: grocery stores and other must-have stores. Here is the complete list. Among the open commercial activities we also mention pharmacies, parapharmacies, newsstands, bookstores, tobacconists, florists, gas stations, electronics, hardware, electrical items, household appliances, baby products. Closed markets, except those activities destined to the sale of agricultural and horticultural food products only.
Bars and restaurants are closed except for take out or home delivery. As in the orange zone, only catering with home delivery or take-out is allowed until 10 pm (with prohibition of consumption in the immediate vicinity). Take away food is allowed until 6pm in bars. Take-out possible until 10 pm in wine bars and wineries.
Gyms and swimming pools closed. It is allowed to carry out sports activities only within the municipality itself, alone and close to home. You can walk close to your house and respecting the distance of at least one meter from any other person and with the obligation to wear a mask.
Unfortunately, the closure continues for entertainment venues.
In the red zone they remain open, the restaurant service is for guests only.
For the list of frequently asked questions (frequently asked questions and answers) on all aspects of the red zone, here are the clarifications from the Government. in this link.
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