After Giuseppe Conte me Roberto Speranza, Enrico Letta choose the Sardine and no Matteo renzi. This is not a coincidence, but so far only a matter of priority given that after seeing the leaders of the Movimento 5 Stelle and Leu, the secretary of the P.S in fact, he did not look for the leader of Italy alive. “There have been no contacts at the moment between Letta and Renzi. The secretary of the P.S He avoided calling the leader of IV who, however, makes it known that he has no problem on the subject, ”Renzi’s party sources inform the news agencies. Which obviously will not have any problem with the subject, but he will not have liked the way his rival has structured his agenda.
Called by Italia viva, Letta explained to Otto e Mezzo: “I will meet renzi and we will talk about what kind of future build for him Left. It is not the last, I still have several meetings to do ”. And since Renzi is also always the #enricostaisereno, as well as the same one who brought down the government with the 5 stars, the secretary dem puts his hands on: “We want build a center-left alliance with the 5 stars. What I am clear about is that the right wing is playing the game of being in opposition to Meloni and being in government with League. And you have to put Salvini’s pro-European inflection point to the test, made with Giorgetti with a coffee ”.
The secretary of the Democratic Party returns to the controversies that have involved the leader ofAlive italy, due to his relations with the Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman, identified by a report from the Inc such as those who “authorized an operation to capture or kill the journalist Jamal kashoggi“. In the last hours, Renzi explained that despite that report, the Biden administration” did not sanction the prince, “claiming his friendship with Bin Salman. Today Letta says:” There is a regulatory gap on issues related to encounters and compromises with authoritarian regimes. We have a different position than that to Saudi Arabia, we are close to the position of Biden’s America ”. The reference, of course, is to the lobbying law, which the Minister of Justice also spoke about, Marta Cartabia placeholder image.
In alliance with the 5 stars, however, Letta explains that “in the next few days we will open the Rome file, I think that we will do elementary school. There are several candidates, including Gualtieri from Pd. But it is true that our opinion of Rome about the outgoing mayor is not the same as that of the 5 Star, and he runs the risk of being a stumbling block. I know that I am playing my neck in this game, but there are also other important ones ”. Still on the issue of the alliance with the 5 stars, the former prime minister said: “If we go alone, we give Italy to Salvini and Meloni. For this we must create a coalition with those closest to us, and with the 5 Stars at this stage we have well governed. We must create an alliance between parties that respect each other, but with the ambition to be the leadership of this alliance. Then we will identify how the prime minister decides, and it also depends on the electoral law.
In short, for Letta the schema is the center left extended to 5 stars. And therefore part of the point that you intend to discuss with Renzi. It will be for this reason that before meeting the leader of Italy alive, the undersecretary preferred to see Speranza and Conte. Today, however, he decided to meet with some representatives of the Sardine via Zoom. The deputy secretary also participated in the meeting by videoconference Peppe Provenzano and the coordinator of the secretariat Marco Meloni. For the Sardines there were Mattia Sartori, Jasmin Cristallo, Anna Claudia Petrillo and Micol Urtesi. In the end, Letta tweeted: “A useful and constructive encounter today with the sardines. The follow-up to the important one made by Valentina Cuppi on behalf of the entire Democratic Party three weeks ago. We exchanged thoughts and put ideas on the table. Excellent prospects. Go ahead. “The same judgment of the Sardines, who write on social networks:” Positive encounter based on mutual recognition in a climate of openness and constructive dialogue. The road is long and bumpy, a smile is not everything, but it continues being a good start. ”Then Letta attended the meeting organized at the Pd de Testaccio club, where he is registered:“ We really are many. We will talk and fill out the formulary with all our ideas, ”he said on social networks, explaining that he had participated“ as a militant. ”In short, for Renzi there is time.