
Hit the table with your fists Mario draghi, and on the subject of vaccines and AstraZeneca it makes Europe tremble. Speaking at the European Council in a video connection with Brussels, the prime minister pointed a finger at the scandal of the 29 million doses found at the Anagni plant and issued a warning to the European institutions: “European citizens have the feeling that have been cheated of some pharmaceutical companies, I am thinking mostly about AstraZeneca“Harsh words, followed by a dry question to the president of the EU Commission Ursula Von der Leyen: “Do you think it is correct that the doses located in Belgium and Holland remain for the European Union, totally or partially?”. Von der Leyen’s answer: the doses produced in the EU will be destined for the European Union.
On the table, in addition to the issue of vaccines, also the issue of economic recovery. According to Draghi, explain the sources of the summit, the absolute priority must be “not to make mistakes” during the economic recovery. “We need to design a fiscal policy framework that is capable of getting us out of the crisis”, underlining then that in the “vaccination passport” “Member States will need all the help that the Commission can give, because they have platforms and make them interoperable not it is a trivial result “, reminding everyone of the risk that such certificates could be discriminatory to European citizens. All knots destined to come to a head very soon.