WEATHER. At the weekend, spring explodes with temperatures of up to 20 ° C. This is where «3B Meteo


Anticyclone in reinforcement in Italy, through the winter cold, spring is back. Temperatures until the weekend.

COMING SPRING. Last vestiges of the winter cold with a gradual increase in temperatures in the next days, but with values ​​that will be returned on average throughout Italy only on the day of Sunday, given a new circulation that will still affect part of the South. Meanwhile, this morning at dawn many places found values ​​close to the Center-North, especially in some places of Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Lower Veneto and Tuscany. . But the temperatures are rising and the frosts are destined to disappear. Let’s see the maximum and minimum values ​​expected in the coming days:

FRIDAY TEMPERATURE. Overnight lows rise further with no frosts or completely occasional frosts. Highs in a slight further recovery in the south, but still slightly below average. Maximum peaks of up to 20 ° C in the Po Valley.

TEMPERATURE WEEKEND. Slight thermal decline in the north due to the passage of a weak unstable impulse, rising values ​​in Sardinia and in the south with maximums consistent with the period, especially on Sunday. Peaks of 22-24 ° C in the interior of the larger islands.

THE FOLLOWING DAYS. The increase in temperature also continues in the first part of next week with maximum values ​​that will be above the average in the North Center, the South will remain in line with the period Possible peaks of up to 25 ° C at Easter.
