Coronavirus in Italy and in the world: news and Covid case bulletin today, March 25. LIVE


Covid Veneto, merchants protest in front of the Zaia press point

A group of about thirty merchants protested this morning in front of the Civil Protection headquarters in Mestre against the closure of the activities established by the last Dpcm. The sitting, loud but quiet. It was held together with the usual meeting of the governor of the Veneto region, Luca Zaia, with the press, to take stock of the Covid emergency. “I understand your reasons, the pandemic has brought many economic activities to their knees, in the first place those related to trade – said Zaia – It is a very difficult situation, I am available to listen to your requests.” Zaia stressed that this is a sector linked to tourism, which in Veneto has paid one of the highest prices due to closures – “of 60 thousand jobs lost, 35 thousand come from the tourism sector” – “the amount of the financing The allocation for snacks is huge – he added – although we have not yet understood that they will arrive and on what basis they will be distributed. The best condition to help these companies in the end would be to reopen “.
