CELLINO SAN MARCO – In quarantine because “close” contact with a positive covid-19 goes shopping at the supermarket. Some citizens inform the Local Police agents that in a few hours they are able to identify and track the protagonist of this story who only has the absurdity. She was fined 400 euros for violating anti-contagion regulations.
It happened at Cellino San Marco where the number of positives increased in a few days (there are more than 50) and there are currently 120 people in forty trustees. Too many for a country of just over 6,000 inhabitants.
Local police officers, led by Lieutenant Luana Casali, have intensified controls in bars, supermarkets, markets and public places since the red zone was fired and the epidemiological situation in Cellino precipitated.
The controls refer to compliance with the provisions of the Dpcm for the red zone. Those in quarantine are certainly not expected to leave home to go shopping. Especially because in Cellino San Marco municipal civil protection meets all the needs of those who cannot move from home: shopping, buying medicine and more.
The woman in question, an elderly woman, went to a local supermarket. Someone, knowing that he was in quarantine, did not hesitate to contact the local police. Through the internal and external cameras that the supermarket has, the agents were able to trace the identity of the woman, also thanks to the license plate of her car. His name appears on the subject list at forty, so the minutes were taken.
Commander Casalini directs an appeal to the public “We are going through a very critical period and this behavior cannot be tolerated. Those in quarantine should stay home so as not to endanger the health of other citizens. I invite all of you to report such behavior and to help us keep the situation under control. For the good of all. “At the moment there have been other reports of similar cases in which the command is working to identify the violators of the quarantine.
Measures to observe in quarantine
The ASL in the fiduciary quarantine provision that provides those who are considered “close contacts” with the positives, also lists the measures to be observed.
Staying at home or residence with prohibition to move and travel. Remain accessible by phone for surveillance activities. Even in the context of the cohabiting nucleus, limit contacts with the person in quarantine to a minimum, especially with children, the elderly or people with health problems. Avoid hugs and handshakes. Visits from people who do not live with the quarantined person are not allowed.
Perform frequent hand hygiene using hydroalcoholic solutions, especially when making contact with other people in the home or residence. Wear a mask (surgical model) if you come into contact with other members of the house and, in any case, maintain an interpersonal distance of at least one meter. Respiratory hygiene should be practiced by everyone at all times. The term “respiratory hygiene” refers to covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with tissues or when using the flexed elbow, followed by hand washing. Avoid direct contact with body fluids, especially respiratory or oral secretions and feces. Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands. Clean and sanitize bathroom and toilet surfaces at least once a day with a standard household disinfectant containing a diluted bleach solution (1 part bleach to 99 parts water).
Clean clothes, sheets, towels and bath towels, etc. of people in isolation using normal soap and water to wash or machine wash at 60–90 ° C with a common household detergent and dry thoroughly. Avoid the mixed use of bottles, glasses and plates. It is advisable not to eat meals with partners. Measure your body temperature twice a day (in the morning and in the evening).
In case of symptoms: a. immediately notify the family doctor or the pediatrician of free choice; in case of impossibility, contact other medical personnel of your local health authority or service 118; wear a surgical mask and stay away from other partners; stay in your room with the door closed ensuring adequate natural ventilation, awaiting transfer to the hospital, if necessary.