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03/25/2021 – “The two people are already isolated and well”. The director of Organization of basic health services of the Pesaro health district, Elisabetta Esposto, explains this to Dire about the two positive swabs in which the New York variant was identified by the Virology laboratory of the Hospitals gathered at the University Polytechnic of Ancona-Marche.
The two tests belong to as many people from the province of Pesaro Urbino. “These are two people from different municipalities in the province of Pesaro Urbino: in isolation since before March 18, the date on which we sent the samples to the Ancona Virology laboratory for sequencing,” Esposto continues. The epidemiological investigation has already been carried out. done, but now it will be remade in an even more complete way.
They are fine with or without mild symptoms, and indeed one of them already has a tampon appointment to check for negativity. Both are positive contacts. The two cases do not seem to belong to the same cluster, this shows that the variants run a lot ”.
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