The possible recipients are more than 5 and a half million.
The measures of the Sostegni decree take effect immediately. And immediately the operating instructions arrive: From March 30 to May 28 it will be possible to submit applications for the grant. But the government, as Prime Minister Mario Draghi announced, is already thinking of more interventions.
The contribution will be credited to the current account indicated in the application or, at the irrevocable choice of the taxpayer, it may be used as a tax credit in compensation.
To access the support, the requirements are: having obtained income or remuneration not exceeding 10 million euros in 2019 and having registered an average monthly decrease in billing and fees in 2020 compared to 2019 of at least 30%.
The online form must be completed from March 30 to May 28.
See all the specifications on the website of the Revenue Agency
Here the forms to complete:
Scholarship recognition application – pdf
Build Instructions – pdf
Technical specifications for the preparation and telematic transmission of the application – pdf
With a pressure from the majority parties that becomes insistent: Forza Italia speaks of a gap of 20,000 million euros per month. The minister of the AP, Renato Brunetta also says it. A position that is not within the Ministry of Economy. Minister Daniele Franco speaking at an international conference indicates a resumption of economic growth in the second quarter and an acceleration in the third and fourth quarters. “New measures will be introduced in the coming weeks,” he assures, however, assuming “a gradual exit from aid in the second half of the year and a return to normality.” Yes, because the Minister of Economy does not hide a hint of optimism, in contrast to the assessments that come, for example, from the ECB: “We think that after Easter the situation will improve gradually, and then we will gradually move towards a more normal situation in May and June “.
The provisioning decree, meanwhile, reached the Official Gazette just three days after its launch, a record compared to the recent past when the provisioning decrees were approved ‘unless agreed and it took at least a week to see the light. But the whole administrative machine moves fast.
The director of the Tax Agency Ernesto Maria Ruffini has already prepared the execution measure. The forms and instructions, along with a guide, are already on the Tax Agency website. Applications can be submitted from March 30 to May 28.
Requests must be made on the Agency’s website, also with the help of intermediaries, in the different electronic channels or in the specific platform created by Sogei through which the previous aid stations have already been managed.
The objective is for the contribution to arrive in about ten days directly to the current account indicated in the application or, at the irrevocable choice of the taxpayer, to be used as a tax credit in compensation. The criteria are known. There are two basic requirements: having obtained income or remuneration not exceeding 10 million euros in 2019 and having registered an average monthly decrease in turnover and commissions in 2020 compared to 2019 of at least 30%.
The decree, however, was incardinated in the Senate for discussion. And the parties are already thinking about possible changes.
Forza Italia focuses attention on the amnesty that cancels folders below 5,000 euros until 2010. “A compromise has been made,” says Vice President Antonio Tajani. There are those who intend to extend the ‘extracted until 2015 and raise the threshold to 10,000 euros, counting on parliamentary votes. But the left wing of the government just doesn’t seem to agree. “We had insisted that resources be concentrated mainly on supporting poverty, work, business,” he says, “and not getting lost in other trends such as scrapping tax bills, a more or less successful objective, in our opinion not successful. However, it is a different objective than the one we must focus on at this time. Leu’s deputy, Stefano Fassina, adds to the dose: «With the 666 million pledged to cover the amnesty, instead of rewarding even the profiteers, we can give more resources to those who can no longer take it anymore. Minister Orlando did well.