Renato Farina
Figliuolo sends another million doses to the country The governor of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana, announced at about one thirty yesterday afternoon that he had resigned from the top management of Aria, an acronym that in times of bilateral pneumonia seemed like a dream and it turned out to be a hoax. Aria, which is the acronym for Regional Agency for Innovation and Purchasing, had to be the perfect machine to take the Lombards by the hand and accompany them with happy and millimeter-precise rhythms, as is usual in Valtrompia turners and engineers. NASA’s on the decline. order, to the administration of vaccines. Instead, there were three days of chaos last week, especially in Cremona, Como and Brianza. But it was ten days since Guido Bertolaso, world champion of civil protection summoned in Milan, had denounced an intolerable situation that, while he had to deal with Aria, he could not remedy. Fontana explained the defenestration of Aria’s top management with “computer blackouts”, that referring to Lombardy is as if in Switzerland they said that the clock springs are broken and in the Vatican that God is dead. A disaster. More than 80 were expected, but the stations were deserted, the doctors stood there like fools with syringes in hand. A circulating thesis speaks of sabotage. In fact, it is. But it is not a question of politics. There has been a boycott and a conspiracy, yes, but it would be too good if it was due to a novax theorist in the computer room or an Islamic terrorist in disguise. Take it and go. It is actually a headless monster with two horns called Ignorance and Disability. What made them appear in this land where it was thought that there was no favorable terrain was the inexorable contagion of a virus now endemic in this country, and which has found a way to officially establish itself in government with the success of the Five Stars and its vaffanculture.
The shake – For us Lombards and the Po Valley in general, it is not comforting to know that in Tuscany it is worse, and also in Puglia. And that Calabria is in last place. Who cares, we are not competing with mediocrity. But seeing that the Region of Excellence infects makes us feel bad, we do not settle for healthy purges. It is necessary not only to eradicate, but above all to understand how a benign tumor is created. The difference between the Lombard bureaucracy and the ministerial one and that of the southern regions was the spectacular resemblance to the structures of private companies. Same mass, same efficiency. There were three regional capital companies created by Formigoni. One was in IT, another in infrastructure, the third in purchasing. you, owner of Salud, who privileged the corporations in the allocation of doses (for example, the judiciary) penalizing the age groups.
Without waste – Therefore, avoid media manipulation and do not overdo it with self-da-fe. In fact, Lombardy has inoculated the serum with an unjustifiable mess, but has not wasted a milligram of serum. It will run out of stock at the end of March. Then the damage will be repaired. Now we are driving well, very well, so much so that after the setbacks Lombardy is now running at twice the national average speed. It is not rhetoric, but numerical substance. It has a sixth of the population of Italy, but in recent days it has performed a quarter of the injections in the entire country: thirty thousand out of one hundred twenty thousand. The problem remains. The damaged image, on which the jaguar’s friends smeared red and yellow, works to transform it into permanent scars, despite the national harmony invoked by President Mattarella. That said, the Lombard citizens are quite pissed off. The news flies among the relatives. We all have parents and aunts in their nineties. We lost days in entering the portal where to reserve the puncture. But where did the Lombard forecast go, seeing from afar? And the memory takes us to the book Cuore by Edmondo De Amicis. One of the nine wonderful stories from our childhood proposed to a twelve-year-old hero of the Risorgimento, a blond with blue eyes: “The little Lombard viewpoint.” They had all fled. Noel. To help the Piedmontese cavalry he climbed “a thin and very tall ash tree that balanced its top in the blue”, he pointed out to the right the presence of a squad of Austrians hidden in the wheat (it was June) to lay an ambush. They saw it in the top of the tree. The bullets grazed him. I wanted to finish the job. Lombard essence. Turn to the left. He was shot down. Thanks to him “the flag of the three colors” won the victory. This time, the Lombard lookout who climbed the skyscraper turned out to be blind. Fontana threw it to the ground, bravo. The post office arrives to take Aria’s place. A beautiful humiliation, for Lombardy forced to ask for help from a company with state capital, once considered a social safety net. As they say in Milan: ciàpa sü e porta a cà. The problem is that if Lombardy does not return to the top to show the way, it is Italy that loses.