online booking site. Three dates available …


The Vaccine Center of the Fair (Marchiori)

The Vaccine Center of the Fair (Marchiori)

First test for the online reservation of anti-covid vaccines. From morning to Friday over 80 they can be vaccinated by booking on the Ulss9 website. The reservation mask is already active.

By entering the tax code and a phone number on the platform, you can access the reservation grids to choose the time, quarter of an hour by quarter of an hour.

The vaccination center dedicated to this first experimental phase is the one at the fair, in hall 10, with the entrance in via Belgio. Those who book in the morning get the old Pfizer, those who choose the Astra Zeneca in the afternoon.

The three days of vaccination (morning, Thursday and Friday) are dedicated exclusively to the population over 80 years of age. During the reservation it is necessary to leave a telephone number for any information and an email address through which you will receive, as soon as the reservation is registered, a confirmation email with the indications of the place and time. The medical history form is also sent to be completed before going to the vaccination center.

Mayor Federico Sboarina also released the news that, as soon as he received the news from Ulss9, he wanted to share it on his social networks.
