I’m 18,765 i new cases of coronavirus in Italy (yesterday they were +13,846, here the newsletter). Go up like this at least 3,419,616 the number of people who have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including those recovered and killed) since the outbreak began. THE deaths today I’m 551 (yesterday it was +386), for a total of 105,879 victims as of February 2020. People recovered or discharged they are all together 2,753,083 me 20,601 those who came out of the Covid nightmare today (+32,720 yesterday). the positive current – subjects who have the virus – turn out to be in everything 560,654, equal to -2,413 compared to yesterday (-8,605 the day before), two days less. There decrease in current positives today – with the minus sign in front – it depends on the cured, added to the deaths, being greater in number than in the new cases.
The swabs and the stage
I total swabs (molecular and antigenic) were 335,189, or 58,103 more than yesterday when it was 169,196. While the positivity rate 5.6% (the 5.59% approximation): means that out of 100 swabs performed, more than 5 were positive; yesterday it was 8.2%. Here is the map of contagion in Italy.
More infections in 24 hours than yesterday, versus multiple pads. This happens every Tuesday due to an increase in analysis. The curve maintains its fluctuating trend, while the case-test ratio falls to 5.6% (always occurs with fewer buffers) from 8.2% on Monday. But from the comparison with last Tuesday (March 16), when +20,396 cases were registered with a positive rate of 5.5%, it seems that the scenario improves a little: the percentages are close – 5.6% today and 5 , 5% on March 16 -, the new positives are minor and the current overall positives decline for the second day in a row. The peak of the curve may have been exceeded. Only by continuing to adhere to the restrictions can the number of new infections be reduced while vaccinations continue. The restrictions work – says Stefania Salmaso, epidemiologist of the Italian Association of Epidemiology (IEA), guest of Opened on Rai 3 -. We are at a fairly high level of national incidence, but we hope to see a stationary or slightly declining situation starting next week.
The Lombardy It is once again the region most affected by the number of new positives (+3,643 cases) – yesterday it was Emilia-Romagna – with more than 47,000 swabs, which is the highest number of regional tests of the day. Above 2,000 there is only the Piedmont (+2,080). They follow with a four-digit increment: Veneto (+1,966), Campania (+1,862), Apulia (+1,664), Emilia romagna (+1,578), Lazio (+1,491) e Tuscany (+1,062). In the rest of the regions, growth of two or three digits.
The victims
The number of daily deaths remains dramatic and high
that even today contains past deaths, registered late. These are mainly people who got sick weeks before (on average, three weeks before, according to physicist Giorgio Sestili). To see a similar figure, we must go back to January 26., when the pains in the bulletin were 541. Not forgetting that on March 16 the deaths were more than 500, 502 to be precise, this sad number will be the last to decrease, after cases and hospitalizations. Only the Valle d’Aosta reports zero deaths for six days, while the highest number of deaths in Lombardy (+99), Piedmont (+75, with previous and 4 deaths today), Campania (+62, of which 35 died in the last 48 hours and 27 died previously), Emilia-Romagna (+56) and Puglia (+46)
The health system
The pressure on the health system continues. Occupied beds in the ordinary rooms of Covid I’m +379 (yesterday +565), for a total of 28,428 hospitalized. I beds occupied in intensive care (ICU) I’m +36 (yesterday +62), bringing the total of more seriously ill to 3,546. The variation in the number of occupied beds, in critical and non-critical areas, indicates the balance between patients who left and those who entered in the last 24 hours. Indeed, I new entrances to resuscitation I’m +317 (yesterday +227). The highest number of people entering TI in Lombardy (+72), Emilia-Romagna (+37), Puglia (+37) and Veneto (+36).
Here all the newsletters for 2021, here those for 2020. Here the news of the day.
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The cases region by region
The data provided below, and broken down by region, are total cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours.
Lombardy 703,668: +3,643 cases (yesterday +2,105) with 47,175 swabs
Veneto 369,502: +1,966 cases (yesterday +981) with 43,375 swabs
Campania 322,167: +1,862 cases (yesterday +1,313) with 22,753 swabs
Emilia romagna 320,632: +1,578 cases (yesterday +2,118) with 35,928 swabs
Piedmont 292,516: +2,080 cases (yesterday +1,521) with 22,924 swabs
Lazio 271,220: +1,491 cases (yesterday +1,407) with 34,841 swabs
Tuscany 184,558: +1,062 cases (yesterday +1,140) with 22,677 swabs
Apulia 179,037: +1,664 cases (yesterday +844) with 13,390 swabs
Sicily 167,256: +751 cases (yesterday +666) with 24,979 swabs
Friuli Venezia Giulia 92,608: +548 cases (yesterday +405) with 10,178 swabs
Liguria 85,793: +360 cases (yesterday +294) with 7,583 swabs
Market 83,843: +405 cases (yesterday +265) with 4,522 swabs
PA Bolzano 68,007: +148 cases (yesterday +35) with 14,255 swabs
Abruzzo 62,902: +188 cases (yesterday +190) with 5,522 swabs
Umbria 49,469: +174 cases (yesterday +71) with 7,525 swabs
Calabria 43,984: +317 cases (yesterday +156) with 3,142 swabs
Sardinia 43,577: +159 cases (yesterday +161) with 8,510 swabs
PA Trento 39,664: +191 cases (yesterday +80) with 2,670 swabs
Basilicata 18,503: +121 cases (yesterday +24) with 1,496 swabs
Molise 12,025: +27 cases (yesterday +18) with 813 swabs
Aosta Valley 8685: +30 cases (yesterday +52) with 931 swabs
Deaths region by region
The figure provided below, and broken down by region, is the total deaths since the start of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.
Lombardy 29,975: +99 deaths (yesterday +77)
Veneto 10,414: +52 deaths (yesterday +14)
Campania 5,002: +62 deaths (yesterday +43)
Emilia romagna 11,524: +56 deaths (yesterday +44)
Piedmont 10,023: +75 deaths (yesterday +40)
Lazio 6,400: +26 deaths (yesterday +19)
Tuscany 5,149: +31 deaths (yesterday +23)
Apulia 4,531: +46 deaths (yesterday +28)
Sicily 4471: +20 deaths (+21 yesterday)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 3,166: +22 deaths (yesterday +18)
Liguria 3,809: +6 kills (+8 yesterday)
Market 2,521: +9 deaths (yesterday +11)
PA Bolzano 1,105: +4 deaths (yesterday there were no new deaths)
Abruzzo 2,041: +18 deaths (+7 yesterday)
Umbria 1,227: +14 deaths (+4 yesterday)
Calabria 777: +2 deaths (+6 yesterday)
Sardinia 1,216: +2 deaths (+5 yesterday)
PA Trento 1,265: +4 deaths (+6 yesterday)
Basilicata 420: +1 death (yesterday +7)
Molise 424: +2 deaths (+5 yesterday)
Aosta Valley 419: No new deaths for the sixth day in a row
Article updating …
March 23, 2021 (change March 23, 2021 | 18:29)