The vaccination campaign begins, critical problems are being resolved ”. This is the message leaked last night by Mario draghi after a summit with the extraordinary commissioner Francesco Figliuolo, the head of civil protection Fabrizio Curcio and at the end of a meeting with the Minister of Regional Affairs Mariastella Gelmini. To go to the rescue of the late Regions, Draghi has decided to use operational units of the Army and Civil Protection. In addition, Figliuolo announced that for today “approximately one million doses of the Pfizer vaccine will be distributed, affecting 214 health establishments, after the purchase that took place yesterday.”
In the middle of the morning, the premier, who focuses everything on vaccines to restart the country and seeks “national cohesion between the state and the regions” for the implementation of the anti-Covid campaign, analyzed the situation with Figliuolo and Curcio. The mission: ensure coordination, reduce delays, immunize the elderly, disabled and those who care for them as soon as possible. During the summit the “damage” produced by the non-deliveries of AstraZeneca was evaluated and here the special commissioner gave Draghi the good news of the distribution of the million doses of Pfizer “in the next 24 hours”.
‘The Pfizer vaccine,’ says Figliuolo, ‘is administered primarily to the elderly and the most vulnerable. To date, more than 2.8 million frail people have been vaccinated nationwide, with an upward trend thanks to the latest deliveries. By the end of the first quarter, more than 14 million vaccines will be distributed to the Regions. In particular, the total for March will be approximately 7.5 million doses, while the accumulated partial doses for January and February amounted to 6.5 million. However, a total of 2.6 million less than expected for the first quarter.
During the summit, Draghi also analyzed regional data. So far the Regions have administered 82.4% of the vials received, but those led by the Northern League (or similar-Northern League) such as Lombardy, Liguria, Sardinia, Calabria, Friuli are well below the average, especially in regards to those over 80 years of age. -year old. That is why it was decided to use operational units of the Army and Civil Protection to help backward regions and protect the elderly and frail. How it was decided to send the Post Office to the rescue, where regional IT structures proved insufficient. Lombardy in the first place.
An approach shared by Gelmini in the afternoon. The Regional Affairs Minister defended the governors, arguing that 82.4% of the roads used in the national average should not be considered a disastrous result. Quite. And he defended the cause of Lombardy, Liguria, etc. pointing out that, as Gimbe reveals, the administration of first doses to those over eighty travels in these regions between 27 and 29%, a figure not far from the areas of the country where the number of vaccinations has been higher. Above all, Gelmini, who values ”the work done by the Regions in a very difficult situation”, has emphasized the logic of collaboration, consultation and help to the rulers while respecting their autonomy.
Therefore, no commissioner. The operational units of the Army and Civil Protection will intervene only at the request of the individual Regions. In the words of Palazzo Chigi: “A preliminary point has been made on the solutions that will contribute to strengthening collaboration and coordination with the Regions, committed to the prompt implementation of the new vaccination plan.”
Draghi has no intention of fueling the confrontation with the governors. The objective of the prime minister – who will fight on Thursday in the European Council to ask for a sprint at the EU level on the supply front (yesterday interview with Spanish Sánchez) – is to accelerate the vaccination campaign to reach the goals of 500,000 doses per day. in the second half of April and 80% of Italians vaccinated in September. But without fueling anxiety and excessive expectations.