Vaccines, a million doses will reach the regions in the next 24 hours. The details of Figliuolo’s plan


The Government’s objective is always the same: 500,000 doses of the vaccine against coronavirus per day to be distributed in mid-April. In less than a month, the number of doses distributed each day today should triple. In recent days the average has been around 150 thousand doses and thus, the commissioner for the Coronavirus emergency, Paolo Francesco Figliuolo, decided to press the accelerator. According to official announcements, by the end of March it will reach a total of 14 million doses distributed in the first quarter throughout the territory.

According to this roadmap, in the month of March they will have to be over 7.5 million doses of vaccine distributed to the Regions. More than the sum of the doses distributed in January and February, in total 6.5 million. However, to reach this goal, we must go faster. It will be administered within the next 24 hours. one million doses vaccine everybody 214 structures that deal with the distribution in the territory.

The Vaccine Bulletin of the Ministry of Health

Meanwhile, according to the portal of the Ministry of Health on the vaccination campaign in Italy, the number of doses administered so far has reached 7.8 million. The total number of people vaccinated, on the other hand, has slightly exceeded 2.5 million. The segment of the population that has received the most doses is between 80 and 89 years, to which they went 2.1 million doses. The most widely used vaccine in Italy is Pfizer, with 6.6 million doses. Di Moderna were distributed 493 thousand doses e AstraZeneca 2.47 million doses.

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