The Germany towards an extension of emergency shutdown anti-Covid as of April 18. It was the German Laender directly who requested the extension of the current restrictions to the government of Angela Merkel. The request comes while in Germany the threshold of 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants has been exceeded, with an epidemiological situation “accelerated by Covid-19 variants.”
Meanwhile, in Germany, as in the UK, frustration is mounting. The last weekend in Germany was marked by protests against the anti-Covid squeeze, with several demonstrations taking place in various cities.

Germany will extend the blockade in April
Europe’s largest economy had just started easing anti-contagion measures. In February, the authorities have schools reopened, while in early March some companies were allowed to lift the shutters.
Currently, there are still some specific measures, which are expected to expire at the end of the month. But this will probably not be the case: on the extension of the measures, in fact, according to Bild there would already be an agreement on April 18.
The extension of the squeeze has already been a few days and the official decision should arrive next Monday, after the meeting between the chancellor and the governors. However, the general sentiment is that due to the recent increase in cases, at least the most affected territories will have to stand firm.
The governors presented a document to the government highlighting the risks arising from the current level of RT and the spread of variants. The document has been seen by some news agencies.
Merkel, with current data we cannot reopen
The Chancellery played down the fears about a new extension of the measures, but already last Friday Merkel said: “I hope we can do it without the emergency brake, but according to the trend of recent days it does not seem possible”.
For the leader of the SPD, Saskia Esken, “Until testing and vaccines are fully operational, we must postpone scheduled openings and go back a few more steps to block”.
Meanwhile, some states have already tightened the measures. Hamburg, the second-largest city in the country, is back in a total lockdown after recording an incidence of more than 100 for four consecutive days.