infections decrease, +531 in Bologna


+ 2,118 more cases than yesterday in the region and 531 in Bologna, as President Stefano Bonaccini had already anticipated, out of a total of 19,902 swabs made in the last 24 hours. Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, 319,080 cases of positivity have been registered in Emilia-Romagna. The average age of new positives today is 41.9 years.

“The percentage of new positives on the number of tampons made since yesterday – 10.6%, less than 17.9% last Monday – is not, however, indicative of the general trend – said the Region – since the number of tampons made on Sundays is less than other days “. . In addition, on public holidays, especially molecular holidays, they are carried out especially in cases where a positive result is usually expected ”.

Of the newly infected, 1,057 are asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities. Overall, among the 522 new positives already isolated at the time of swab execution, 849 were identified within already known outbreaks.

Of the 1,057 asymptomatic patients, 645 were identified through contact tracing, 61 through serological screening, 32 through risk category tests introduced by the Region, and 3 through pre-admission tests. An epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 316 cases.

And contagion its territory

The contagion situation in the provinces sees Bologna with 531 new cases, then Modena (310); followed by Rimini (215), Reggio Emilia (205), Ravenna (199). Then Ferrara (196), Parma (166), Cesena (135), Forlì (91), Piacenza (38). Finally, Imola, with 32 new cases.

Trend in the municipalities of the Bolognese area

Tampons, active cases and cures

In the last 24 hours, 9,760 molecular swabs were made, for a total of 3,837,292. To these also 10,142 quick swabs are added.

As for the total number of people cured, they are 1,762 more than yesterday and reached 232,841.

Active cases, that is, actual patients, to date are 74,771 (+312 compared to yesterday). Of these, people isolated at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, account for a total of 70,679 (+181), 94.5% of the total active cases.

These are the cases of positivity in the area since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 21,283 in Piacenza (+38 compared to yesterday, of which 16 symptomatic), 21,569 in Parma (+166, of which 95 symptomatic), 38,872 in Reggio Emilia (+205, of which 88 symptomatic), 54,908 in Modena (+310, of which 191 symptomatic), 69,039 in Bologna (+531, out of 240 symptomatic), 11,177 cases in Imola (+32, of which 16 symptomatic), 18,628 in Ferrara (+196, of which 45 symptomatic), 24,774 in Ravenna (+199, of which 69 symptomatic ), 12,667 in Forlì (+ 91, of which 69 symptomatic), 15,754 in Cesena (+135, of which 113 symptomatic) and 30,409 in Rimini (+215, of which 119 symptomatic).


There are 44 new deaths: 4 in the province of Parma (three women of 95.85.77 years; one man of 89 years;); 4 in the province of Reggio Emilia (one woman aged 86; three men aged 86.81.80); 3 in the province of Modena (a 56-year-old woman; two men, 79 and 78 years old); 13 in the province of Bologna (four women of 92, 86, 78, 74; nine men, two of them of 69 and the others of 99, 94, 89, 84, 80, 78,79); 8 in the province of Ferrara (four women of 93, 92, 80 and 78 years old; four men of 83, 81, 79 and 56 years old), 3 in the province of Ravenna (a woman of 98 years; two men of 80 and 78 years); 5 in Cesena (a 78-year-old woman and four men, of whom two are 83 and the other 91 and 82), 4 in Rimini (an 88-year-old woman and three 84, 72 and 68-year-old men). There are no deaths in Piacenza and Forlì.

In total, there have been 11,468 deaths in the region since the start of the epidemic.


There are 390 patients admitted to intensive care (-6 compared to yesterday), 3,702 those from the rest of the Covid departments (+137).

In the area, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 10 in Piacenza (+1), 24 in Parma (-1), 32 in Reggio Emilia (number unchanged compared to yesterday), 78 in Modena (-5), 120 in Bologna (+1), 33 in Imola (+1), 33 in Ferrara (-1), 17 in Ravenna (-2), 9 in Forlì (unchanged), 7 in Cesena (no change) and 27 in Rimini (no change).

Vaccination campaign

Meanwhile, the anti-Covid vaccination campaign continues, which in this phase concerns health personnel and the Cra, including hospitalized patients from nursing homes, the majority already immunized, those over eighty years old in home care and their spouses, if they are 80 or over, and people aged 85 and over; Reservations continue for people ages 80 to 84, for school and university staff and the police. Following Aifa’s authorization on Friday, stocks and vaccinations for people aged 75 to 79 years have resumed, following the green light from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The progressive count of the administered administrations can be followed in real time on the Emilia-Romagna Region portal dedicated to the topic:, which also indicates how many second doses administered.

At 2 pm a total of 687,871 doses were administered; Of the total, 239,433 are second doses, that is, people who have completed the vaccination cycle.
