There are 1,407 new coronavirus infections in Lazio according to today’s bulletin, March 22. There are 19 other deaths.
“Currently, out of more than 9,000 swabs in Lazio (-5,490) and more than 5,000 antigens for a total of approximately 15,000 tests, there are 1,407 positive cases (-386), 19 deaths (+4) and +576 cured. Cases are decreasing, while deaths, hospitalizations and intensive care are increasing. The ratio between positives and swabs is 15%, but if we also take into account antigens the percentage is 9%. Cases in the city of Rome they are 700 “, explains the Councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato.” Cautious optimism, maximum attention and a leap forward in hospitalizations “are Lazio’s watchwords.” Full speed ahead with the vaccination campaign, “adds D ‘ Amato-. Starting today we return to 20 thousand daily doses ”.
In Lazio there are 48,502 currently positive cases for Covid-19, of which 2,678 hospitalized, 341 in intensive care and 45,483 in home isolation. Since the beginning of the epidemic, a total of 214,853, 6,374 deaths have been cured and the total number of cases examined is 269,729, according to the updated bulletin of the Region.