March 21, 2021
by Diodato Pirone
(3 minute read)
What categories are vaccinated today?
To get your bearings at the time of vaccinations, you need to plant some stakes. According to the current vaccination plan, it is necessary to complete the administrations for the most exposed categories: medical care; people over 80 years of age and RSA residents; Fragile teachers (disabled, etc.), belonging to the police and the armed forces. At the same time, vaccinations for “everyone” are starting almost everywhere, most of which will be carried out by general practitioners who, in some regions, such as Lazio, started at 65 but may now also involve 79 patients. years on. Reservations for caregivers and helpers (caregivers) have also started.
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How many people over 80 will be protected in April?
As of yesterday (at 2.30 pm), 2,221,000 grandparents, or citizens over 80 years of age, of the total 4.4 million had received at least the first dose of vaccine. In recent days, about 50,000 ampoules a day have been reserved for this category (for which the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are reserved). So by the end of March there will be at least 2.7 million protected grandparents and everything indicates that between the end of April and mid-May this category (approximately 1.5 million people) will also complete the second dose. It should be remembered that the rule that characterizes this vaccination campaign also applies to the elderly: some Regions have been very careful, such as Lazio and Campania, which vaccinated 279,000 out of 470,000 and 180,000 out of 320,000 of their grandparents respectively. while others are very slow like Sardinia (36,000 out of 112,000) or Molise (4,300 out of 26,000). Even Lombardy has vaccinated only 45% of its citizens over the age of 80.
Is the wait over for those 70 to 79 years old?
Between March 10 and 15, many Regions began to collect reserves for people between 70 and 79 years old (born between 1941 and 1950). It is about 5.5 million people who will be called to vaccinate in large vaccination centers throughout Italy or by family doctors in the regions that have opened this channel. Most of those belonging to this age group can be vaccinated between April and May, but it is advisable to book in advance by consulting the procedures on the websites of the different Regions.
Is May really the month of the sixties?
According to the recent vaccination plan presented by General Francesco Figliuolo from the last week of April, that is, in a month, vaccinations should reach 500,000 per day, according to the English model. To vaccinate 80% of Italians in September, the availability of the fourth vaccine, the Janssen from the American Johnson & Johnson, which should be filled at a factory in the Lazio pharmaceutical district, will be essential. Italy has booked 22 million doses between April and September, and since the vaccine is a single dose (meaning a single injection is enough to protect itself), Janssen is destined to play a strategic role. Janssen is expected to be available massively from the end of April to the beginning of May, so this will be the month of mass vaccination of people in their 60s or so. Vaccination that can also be received in 19,000 Italian pharmacies.
Since June injections in the workplace?
By June, Italy should receive more than 60 million doses of vaccines to which more than 80 million vials will be added between July and September. In this phase, many vaccinations will be carried out directly in the workplaces from the largest factories. As of June, therefore, it is advisable to vaccinate most of the people who work, but also university students. In short, when there are vaccines in large numbers, there will be many options to choose from. But it will be difficult to start mass vaccinations before May.