Who in 2020 saw the turnover drop a lot, at least in Sixty-five% – you will receive as a result of the Sostegni Decree of the government Draghi a contribution higher than that of the soft drinks collected last November. Those who have lost “only” 50% will get less. As well as nightclubs and nightclubs, despite being one of the most affected sectors. On the other hand all the categories so far excluded compensation because your code Born He wasn’t on the charts, he’ll finally have an oxygen shot. This is the effect of the new aid calculation mechanism for activities damaged by anti-Covid restrictions: five support bands are expected to decrease with the growth in turnover and compensation in 2019, which is due to those of the pandemic. lost at least 30%, will be parameterized for average monthly loss recorded in the year of the confinement compared to the previous year. As for the times, the first Bank transfers (but, alternatively, companies can opt for a tax credit) will right after easter, almost two months after the new government took office and especially three months after the last aid.
The new indemnities apply as a whole 11 billion (more than 700 million reserved for ski areas) to be paid in 32 billion in additional deficit requested and obtained by Count 2. Compared to the hypotheses circulated in recent months, there is no trace of a fixed cost coverage endured even when the blinds were closed. And the 60% tax credit about rentals. We will talk about it again, possibly after the next budget variance already announced by Draghi. Aid will range from a minimum of 1,000 up to a maximum of 150,000 euros and it will be equal to 60% of losses for those who in 2019 had a turnover of up to 100,000 euros, 50% between 101 thousand and 400 thousand, 40% between 400,001 and 1 million, 30% from 1,000,001 to 5 million e twenty% between 5,000,001 and 10 million. Beyond that threshold, there is no refreshment, as the representatives of the collective catering sector among others complain.
The soft drinks of last spring consisted instead of contributions equivalent to 20% of the loss of April 2020 in the same month of 2019 for activities with turnover of up to 400 thousand euros, 15% between 400,001 and 1 million, 10% between 1 and 5 million. At the end of the year restaurants, gyms, movie theater and other businesses closed due to restrictions received double the previous aid, bars and ice cream parlors 150% of the contribution already collected, while nightclubs quadrupled. The comparison will be disadvantageous for many. Below are some examples of the amount of support that will go to different activities, based on the decline in income they have suffered, with an indication of how much the same activities have received in 2020.
The store with monthly turnover reduced by half takes 2,000 euros compared to 2,600 in November – A clothing store in Milan that had a turnover in 2019 80 thousand euros and in 2020 it fell to 40 thousand, so with an average monthly loss of 3,333 euros, you will be entitled to 60% or 2 thousand euros. But how much was he entitled to last year? By April, when the business was closed, the entrepreneur was entitled to 20% of the loss compared to the same month in 2019, when the turnover (taking the average value of the year) had been located at 6,666 euros. So a little more of 1,300 euros. By the end of the year, stores located in the red zones were expected to take 200% of what they had in the spring: 2,600 euros, in this case. More than the amount you will receive now. On the other hand, the budget will be favorable if the “hole” caused by Covid was greater: assuming that the 2020 turnover has collapsed to 20 thousand euros, from 80 thousand the previous year, the state contribution increases with the Sostegni Decree to 3 thousand euros: a little more than last year. The comparison becomes favorable only if revenue has fallen more than 65%. Confesercenti complains that “even taking into account the tranches of non-refundable contributions that arrived last year, less than 7% of the business volume lost due to economic activities is covered in 2020 alone. Not only that: they will not arrive before the end of April , and there is absolutely nothing for the first quarter of 2021. “
The restaurant with a loss of 60% receives 10,000 euros compared to 12,000 in November – TO ristorante or one Gym with 500 thousand euros of turnover in 2019 and reduction of income last year, due to Covid, 200 thousand (-60%) will lead 10 thousand euros, equivalent to 40% of an average monthly loss of 25,000. In 2020 he received the 15% of the loss, which can be quantified in 40 thousand euros equivalent to just under the total average turnover of a month in 2019, given that in April only take-out food and home delivery were allowed: 6 thousand EUR. At the end of the year he received double, 12 thousand EUR. Now, therefore, the owner of the restaurant or gym should expect less help. It will only take more if your loss was even greater last year, as was the case with most venues based in large cities: if revenues have dropped from € 500,000 to € 100,000, for example, you will be entitled to 13,333 euros. .
For the disco 20 thousand euros less compensation – The situation of a disco that has cashed in 2019 is different 2 million euros and last year it registered a collapse to 200 thousand euros (suppose that the income of January and February has been saved and in summer some outdoor events have been organized). The average loss in this case is 150 thousand euros and applying the 30% percentage, the compensation due is 45 thousand euros. Last year, the same business had received for the first time 10% of the loss of April, when, when closing, the income was zero against the approximately 166 thousand euros in cash in 2019: the contribution non-refundable was therefore 16,600 euro on. Next, a new provisioning equal to 400% of the previous one was planned for this activity at the end of the year: 66,400 euros. This time, therefore, the aid will be decidedly less.
Oxygen breath for those excluded from snacks due to “wrong” Ateco code – On the other hand – finally – a sigh of relief is drawn by the multiple activities that, due to the “lottery” of the Ateco codes last year, received practically no help. The cases are many, counted by Ilfattoquotidiano.it: you go from assemblers of fairs that were not included in the list of codes admitted to compensation to florists sunk by stopping at parties and ceremonies, from preparation for wedding dresses and from ceremony to commercial agents me autonomous, which had been excluded from all rounds of non-reimbursable aid. Now they are all included in the support system based on the average turnover drop recorded in 2020.