The teaching staff and ATA are obliged to go to the school also in the red zone, where, we recall, the face-to-face teaching activities are suspended, to carry out the so-called non-deferrable activities.
The Usr for Lazio specifies which activities cannot be postponed in a FAQ.
Article 48 of the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of March 2, 2021 establishes the following:
“Public employers limit the presence of personnel in the workplace to ensure only those activities that they consider impossible to postpone and that necessarily require such presence, also due to emergency management. the
the personnel not present render their work in an agile way “.
Therefore, it is up to the school principal as the employer to identify activities that are considered non-deferrable and that require the presence of staff.
These activities, to be conducted in presence, certainly include:
- The didactic activities that the school decides to carry out in presence, as a workshop or aimed at the inclusion of students with disabilities or
other special educational needs (see questions A3 and A4); - technical and auxiliary activities to support the aforementioned didactic activities;
- Technical and auxiliary activities for the maintenance and management of crops.
livestock as well as processing activities, even if the school chooses to run the related remote workshops. This is because otherwise crops or animals would be harmed; - administrative activities that require access to paper files.
It will be the school director who will integrate the aforementioned list with the additional activities that he deems indelible and that are necessarily carried out in presence, without prejudice to the general objective of containing contagion opportunities.