Rome, March 19, 2021 – Here we are: the support for $ 32 billion has seen the light of day, despite the tug of war to the last minute on tax bills. At the end of cabinet – who gave the go-ahead very late in the schedule – the prime minister’s press conference has started Mario Draghi (the first since he was president of the Council) in which the president illustrated all the measures taken (here the draft in Pdf). Times have slipped a lot, reflecting the fibrillation within the government: the session, initially scheduled to fifteen, then slipped in sixteen, started only after 18.30, with more than two and a half hours afternoon. The press conference, which is therefore delayed, is attended by, in addition to Draghi, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Daniele franco and the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Andrea Orlando.
“It’s the best we could do”
Draghi begins: “This decree is a significant and very consistent response to poverty and business, it is a partial response, but it is the best we could do“And then underlines:” Meaningful intervention is towards those who have lost their jobs and benefits, we are thinking of an expansion of emergency income, both from the audience and from the amounts. “Because” the pillars of this decree are the business aid, employment support and the fight against poverty“. The prime minister is satisfied:” Today’s CDM saw everyone sharing very complex text with many dimensions aimed at many sectors trying to reconcile different visions: it was a very satisfactory experience. The reunion, for me as a whole the first experience, that went very well“In two words:” The objective of this decree is give more money to everyone, give it fast and do my best. “
“I will do Astrazeneca, like my son in England”
On a specific question, Draghi also talks about Vaccines for COVID-19. And in the Astrazeneca stop explains: “There is the responsibility of a government that puts itself in the shoes of the citizens knowing that the European Authority has taken a week to find out if they are safe. There has been a drop in vaccines but only for a day and then they were almost The vaccination campaign suffered a slowdown but it wasn’t disastrousThen a personal touch: “I have not made the reservation yet, I will do AstraZeneca, my son did it in England.”
Then, on the advisability of adopting the Russian vaccine, Draghi says: “Let’s see” if Italy adopts the Sputnik vaccine, “if the European coordination does not work, you have to be ready to do it yourself. This is what Merkel says and this is what I also say“.
And in the college: “It will be the first to reopen when the contagion situation allows it, at least up to sixth grade.”
“Condom on the binders? Will it have limited impact?”
In the knot of tax bills, Draghi explains that the ‘extract’ of the folders includes a limited amount of 5,000 euros which corresponds to a net of about 2,500 euros of interest and various fines ”. And this “allows the administration to continue the fight against tax evasion even more efficiently,” said Prime Minister Mario Draghi. defining the norm a ‘sorry’ that, however, it will be limited to a small audience, with a certain income “and perhaps with fewer economic resources. It will have very, very limited impacts.”
Then he adds: “It is clear that status no longer worked on folders, a State that has allowed the accumulation of millions and millions of files that cannot be claimed: something has to be changed. “And he refers to the fact that in the Sostegni decree there will also be” a part that provides for a collection change, a small reform of the collection, control and download of “the files”. Without – he explains – in a couple of years we would still have millions of files to request ”.
“About vaccines Regions in no particular order”
“Italy, Draghi noted, is generally second in Europe in vaccinations, but very distant from the UK, for various reasons, from the number of vaccination sites to the number of vaccinators, to the fact that “in England” it extends the period before the second injection, granting immunity to a much wider audience . I know that scientists are analyzing the problem “.” We are strong at the national level, but the Regions are very different, some reach 25% and others 5% -added the premier-: they differ in criteria and in the ability to administer vaccines. We must give ourselves common rules, age and fragility are the starting points: if there are capacity problems, the State is there to help these regions. But I have the impression that there is a willingness to cooperate on the part of the Regions. And the state has so many reasons to complete the vaccination campaign in the shortest time possible ”.
“The month with these rates is not a priority”
“During preliminary consultations, many parties asked me what I thought about the ESM, I replied that we also need to be pragmatic on this: at this time, the interest rates are such that taking the MONTH is not a priority – Draghi explains – In addition, it has been invested fundamentally in health, when we have a health plan shared by parliament and public opinion then we wonder if it is worth it, taking it without having a plan can mean wasting money ”.
Draghi’s press conference
Unlock it in folders
The reason for the delay of the CDM? A tug of war between the parties on the issue of canceling old tax bills. It seems that the delegation of the Lega, who met at Mise before CDM, asked for a non-negative solution and also raised the possibility of not attending the Council. Then the launch: once the CDM has already started, it appears that agreement on folders found: the agreement would also provide for the introduction of the tax reform requested by the League.
Based on what Adnkronos learns, he passed the mediation proposal Minister Daniele Franco and Prime Minister Mario Draghi, doubting a broad amnesty. So yes to deleting old folders, but only with a personal income tax that does not exceed 30 thousand euros. The blank of the cards will be valid until 2011, whereas initially it should have covered the period 2000-2015. Until 2015, the mediation reached in the CDM, the cancellation must be linked to the reform for the efficiency of the collection system requested by Lega and Fi.
Resources for tourism
Great resources for tourism are also arriving, in the Sostegno decree. According to Ansa, the support of approximately 1.7 billion: 700 million for the mountains (ski lifts, ski instructors, shops, cabins, ski rental), 900 million for seasonal workers (seasonal, VAT, autonomous tourism, spas), 100 million for fairs. In addition, a part of the maxi fund of 200 million will go to the sector for catering companies in historic centers and specialization in private events. In addition, a part of the non-reimbursable fund of 10,000 million is also foreseen.
The billions for the show
In the decree of support, “with more than 200 million euros, one will be donated extraordinary compensation of 2,400 euros for all entertainment workers, with a wider audience of beneficiaries, ”says Minister Franceschini.
For the rest of the support decree there are resources to compensation to companies and households and relaunch the vaccination campaign. The provision also provides, among other things, the layoffs blocking individual and collective until the end of June, until October for companies that use the Covid cig. Plus the possibility of renewal or extension of fixed-term contracts Without the need to indicate the reason, for a maximum period of twelve months and only once, it is extended from March 31 to December 31, 2021. But the maximum global duration of 24 months is maintained.
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