I Netherlands trust once more in Mark Rutte. In the legislative elections – which ended on Wednesday, after three days of open seats – on Wednesday, his People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (Vvd) finished first, winning 35 seats (two more than in 2017) out of a total of 150 in the lower house of Parliament in The Hague, with a total of 88% of the ballots counted. Surprisingly, left liberals rise D66 who win 24 seats (there were 19 in 2017), and exceed the Pvv of the right-wing populist Geerts wilders that, with 17 seats, loses three compared to the previous electoral round. The Christian Democrats of the Board of Directors with 15 seats compared to 19. The performance of the other populist was good Thierry baudet who has waged a fierce campaign against coronavirus restrictions. His Forum for Democracy now has 8 seats, up from 2 previously. Also under heavy braking Gave of GroenLinks (Gl) who lost 6 seats, winning only 7 against 14 in 2017.
The one of Rutte, 54 years old, is an announced victory and the liberal politician, in power uninterruptedly since 2010, thus brings home his fourth term. Longevity that places it behind stainless steel. Angela Merkel me Viktor Orban. For Rutte now begins the most difficult task: to forge a majority that is capable of carrying out the battle against COVID-19. A true puzzle of alliances that reflects the varied political landscape, made up of 37 parties and small parties with a fragmentation of representation in the parliament of theAHA.
Rutte therefore, it is weaving its web to form a new coalition along with its former allies, including the center-left pro-European party D66, who posted an excellent performance by finishing second with 24 seats, thus dethroning the formation of the anti-Islamic deputy Geert wilders. The intention not to change the formula for Rutte However, it would clash with the reality of the facts given i disagreements among the liberals of left and the Christian Union (Cu). VVD, with him D66 and to Board of Directors (Christian Democrat) frugal finance minister Wopke HoekstraIn fact, they would not reach the majority of the 76 seats required, which means that they will have to find at least one other partner. According to local media, the coalition could resort to left, but the view is not comforting considering the emaciated results: the Labor Party stops 9 seatswhile environmentalists from GroenLinksvictorious in the previous legislative elections of 2017, suffered a sharp decline.
Rutte managed to rebuild trust with voters that seemed to falter in recent months when, in early January, he had to resign after a huge scandal related to extra kids. A political earthquake emerged after tax officials wrongly accused 20 thousand families fraud, causing many of them to go into debt to repay childcare allowances in the period from 2013 to 2019.