Bergamo, symbol of the pain of the whole nation. Mario Draghi to Bergamo participated in the Day in which the whole country remembers victims of COVID-19. The premier deposited a wreath of flowers in the Monument Cemetery and then in the Trucca Park in Bergamo inaugurated the Bosco della memoria dedicated to the victims of the Covid, where he recalled that «Lin the countryside vaccines Ema continues whatever the choice.
The mayor welcomed the prime minister Giorgio gori and the president of Lombardy Attilio fontana for a ceremony attended by, among others, the mayors of Nembro me They get up, two of the countries most affected by the epidemic, as well as members of the world of health, bishop and prefect. The ceremony began with a minute of silence.
Yesterday another 431 i dead, for a total of more than 103,400.
Bergamo and the Italian duel: “Those coffins without caresses”
Laurel wreath
Prime Minister Mario Draghi placed a laurel wreath on the stela dedicated to Covid victims in the Bergamo monumental cemetery, while the poem by Ernesto Olivero, which is engraved on the stela, was being read.
In fact, the prime minister has decided to celebrate the first national day of Covid victims in the city most affected by the first wave, with more than 3,400 official victims to coronavirus even if the estimates are around 6000.
Draghi: “The State exists and will be there”
«I would like you to feel me close, in sadness and in hope. The State exists and will be there, “said Prime Minister Mario Draghi at the ceremony of the National Day in memory of the victims of Covid, in Bergamo.
“The entire Bergamo community has shown its ability to react, to transform pain and difficulties into a desire for redemption, for regeneration – said the Prime Minister -. His example is precious to all Italians who, I am sure, are eager to lift their heads, start over, release the energies that have made this country wonderful.
“The government – and you know it well – is committed to doing as many vaccinations as possible in the shortest time possible,” said the prime minister. This is our priority. The suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine, implemented Monday with several other European countries, was a temporary and precautionary decision. Today, the European Medicines Agency will issue its final opinion on the matter. Whatever your decision, the vaccination campaign will continue with the same intensity, with the same objectives.
“We cannot hug each other, but this is the day when we should all feel more united,” said the prime minister in Bergamo. Dear Bergamo, you have lived through terrible days, there are many images of this tragedy but one is indelible, the column of military tanks loaded with coffins. There are many images of this tragedy, which have affected everyone, in Italy and in the world. One above all is indelible: the column of military trucks loaded with coffins. It was the afternoon of March 18, exactly one year ago.
The premier recalls the figures “symbol of civil resistance”
“Throughout Italy there are many silent protagonists of this solidarity network. There are many symbolic figures of the civil resistance of this community that I would like to remember today, ”said Mario Draghi in Bergamo in his speech at the ceremony in memory of the Covid victims. «I will mention only a few», the premier listed: «Don Fausto Resmini was the priest of the last one. The Bergamo prison of which he was chaplain bears his name. With it we pay tribute to the priests of the Diocese of Bergamo who died from the virus. Among the historic mayors of this community, I address a thought to Piero Busi, Valtorta’s first citizen for 59 years, who passed away in the retirement home he had helped create. And Giorgio Valoti di Cene, 70, in his fourth term. Among the health workers: Maddalena Passera, anesthetist. He died at the age of 67 shortly after his brother Carlo, a family doctor. Diego Bianco, 46 years old, operator of the 118 fundamental service of Soreu de Bergamo. Among the police forces, the elected officer of the Carabinieri Claudio Polzoni, 46 years old. With them we remember all the victims of the pandemic and we gather around their families.
Fire: “It is not over, Bergamo is a symbol of rebirth today”
“I had dreamed that there were more people here by the end of the pandemic, we have not arrived yet. We are close but we have not yet arrived. The mayor of Bergamo says so Giorgio gori speaking at the National Covid Victims Day ceremony. “We were the symbol of the pandemic last year, with the images of military trucks, that is why today we want to be a symbol of rebirth,” explains Gori who, addressing Prime Minister Mario Draghi underlines: his presence “makes us feel that the State is there “.
# 18 March – to the #Quirinale flags at half-staff in memory of the victims of the # COVID-19-19 pic.twitter.com/Z5fCutjrNl
– Quirinal (@Quirinale) March 18, 2021
Astrazeneca, Ema towards unlocking. Palù (Aifa): doubts about the use of the pill
Astrazeneca, Galli: “Thrombosis in Germany perfidious coincidence, the stop will cause more deaths”
Mattarella promulgates the law on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Covid
The president of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, promulgated this morning the law approved yesterday by Parliament that establishes the “National Day in memory of all the victims of the coronavirus epidemic” to be celebrated on March 18 of each year. This was announced by the Quirinale.
Conte: “Italy great in pain, it will also be great in the hope of redemption”
“Exactly a year ago this photograph, taken from a balcony in Bergamo, spread rapidly around the world, becoming the tragic icon of our national mourning. The military trucks carrying hundreds of coffins of the victims of the first great wave of Covid-19 out of the city, forced us to deal with a wound destined to open an endless slit of pain in our national community. They were terrible days. The former prime minister writes it on Facebook, Giuseppe Conte, on the Day of Remembrance of the victims of Covid, by publishing the image of the Army trucks that transported the coffins of those killed by Coronavirus on the outskirts of Bergamo.
«The great sense of responsibility and the need to remain lucid and reactive have given us the strength to face this great collective suffering. Citizens’ adherence to the unitary drive to protect the most vulnerable has allowed us not to feel overwhelmed at the toughest moment in our most recent history. Today is the National Day dedicated to the victims of this pandemic. The memory goes back to those days when we all became fully aware that the health of our citizens, even the oldest and most vulnerable, would be the supreme value to defend, the key to our civilization. It was then that we were persuaded that personal sacrifices, big or small, collective solidarity, shared responsibility would be our categorical imperatives. The memory of so many broken lives, the pain of so many lost affections must now transmit the strength to overcome this challenge. We have proven to be a great community in the days of pain. We will also prove that we are in the days of hope and redemption. We hope to see you soon.», Conte concludes.
Exactly one year ago, this photograph, taken from a balcony in Bergamo, quickly spread around the world, …
Posted by Giuseppe Conte on Thursday March 18, 2021
Palazzo Lombardia and Pirelli illuminated
«On the occasion of the National Day of the Victims of the Covid, flags at half-staff in all the offices of the Lombardy region. In addition, a minute of remembrance in memory of the victims will be observed in the Palazzo Lombardia, Palazzo Pirelli and in the other territorial offices, at 11 am. At night, the viewpoints of Palazzo Lombardia and Palazzo Pirelli will be illuminated with the tricolor ». The Region makes it known. Governor Attilio Fontana will be in Bergamo for the visit of Prime Minister Mario Draghi for celebrations in memory of the victims.
Last update: 12:17