Rome, March 17, 2021 – Bulletin about the epidemic of Coronavirus in Italy. They wait updates of the Ministry of Health on infections, currently positive, dead, recovered and intensive care, after yesterday there was a record of new resuscitation entries and the curve has not dropped in days. Besides the restrictions, the only way to “close this season” is to accelerate the vaccination campaign: to support it is the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, which advertises extraordinary changes for the administration staff, in addition to the commitment of pharmacies and nurses.
I also’WHO invites you to continue in the campaign, pending the evaluation of the Emasthe case Astrazeneca, a stop, “as a precaution”, which caused 200 thousand fewer vaccines in Italy. And today the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced that the pharmaceutical company “will deliver 70 million doses to the European Union” in the second quarter “compared to 180 million” of promised doses.
Astrazeneca, Palù: “I await a note from the EMA on who takes the pill”
Meanwhile, Europe launches the ‘pass-Covid’ to travel again this summer, but for the moment it seems that even in the rest of the world the Covid flame will not go out: Brazil registers 2,800 deaths in 24 hours and in Germany there is an alarm about a new exponential growth of infections.
Covid, the budget for March 17
We will post updates from the Ministry of Health here as soon as they are available..
The Numbers of the Regions
We will insert the pdf table here.
Local News / Veneto
In the last 24 hours on Veneto were found 2,191 new positives to oronavirus, of 41,845 swabs performed, with an incidence of 5.23%. Currently there are 36,442 positive subjects, of which 1,807 hospitalized, 1,600 in non-critical areas and 207 in intensive care. This means that, compared to 48 hours ago, there are 193 more hospitalized. THE deceased in the last 24 hours are 59.
Emilia romagna
It is confirmed, in Emilia romagna, a slight slowdown in infections: today they are 2,026, on the basis of 37,456 between molecular and antigenic. However, hospitalizations continue to grow: in particular in intensive care there are 381 beds occupied, the new record that raises the one set yesterday by three units. It is the highest number since the beginning of the pandemic. In the Region there are also 52 dead. The youngest victims are a 54-year-old man in Bologna and a 58-year-old man in Reggio Emilia. Of the new positives, 960 are asymptomatic. The number of active cases is increasing, reaching almost 70 thousand (69,615), of which 94.4% are in home isolation because they do not require special care. In addition to patients in intensive care, the number of hospitalized in other Covid departments is also growing: there are 3,542, 28 more than yesterday. The contagion situation in the provinces sees Bologna with 422 new cases, then Rimini (261), Ravenna (216), Reggio Emilia (215) and Modena (210); then Ferrara (173), Cesena (171), Forlì (167).
Today in Apulia 12,471 tests have been recorded for Covid-19 infection e 1,734 positive cases. Have been registered 34 deaths. Since the beginning of the emergency, 1,719,822 tests have been carried out, 124,948 patients are cured and currently 39,818 are positive cases.
“Today in the Lazio, in more than 17 thousand swabs and more than 21 thousand antigens for a total of more than 39 thousand tests, 1,728 positive cases, 20 deaths and 1,723 recovered ”. This is explained by the regional Health Councilor, Alessio D’Amato: “Deaths are decreasing,” he added, while increasing cases, hospitalizations and intensive care. The ratio between positives and swabs is 10%, but if we also take antigenics into account, the percentage is 4%. In Rome there are 850 new cases.
I’m 1,275 positives in Tuscany (1,221 confirmed by molecular swab and 54 by rapid antigen test). Since the beginning of the epidemic, there are 176,610 cases in the Region. 16,398 molecular swabs and 8,540 rapid antigenic swabs were made, of which 5.1% were positive. On the other hand, 10,379 subjects were tested today, of which 12.3% tested positive. Those cured grew 0.9% and reached 146,712 (83.1% of all cases), while those currently positive are 24,907, + 0.05% compared to yesterday. The people hospitalized in beds dedicated to Covid patients today are a total of 1,694 (25 more than yesterday, plus 1.5%), 241 in intensive care (2 more than yesterday, plus 0.8%). Unfortunately they register 21 new deaths.
Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia, out of a total of 13,904 tests carried out, it was detected 986 cases of positivity to Covid. In Regione i deceased registered are 14, to which is added one that took place on March 8. On the other hand, there are 76 hospitalizations in intensive care (-1 compared to yesterday), while in other wards 538 (+8). In total there are 67,482 cured, 2,662 clinically cured, while the number of people in isolation is 14,388. A total of 88,203 people have tested positive since the start of the pandemic.
Jump of new cases in Market: I am today 856 (vs. 529 new positives yesterday). In the past 24 hours, a total of 7,611 swabs were tested: 4,633 on the new diagnostic pathway and 2,978 on the cured pathway. The ratio between positives and tested is, therefore, 18.5%, more than yesterday, when it stood at 15.5%. In Region dtwo weeks of increasing numbers for i hospitalizations: on the last day they arrived at 880 (+12) mainly due to an increase in semi-intensive patients (226, +12); 48 people registered. However, the number of patients in intensive care (133) and in non-intensive wards (521) remains unchanged, according to the regional health service.
In Umbria, after days of prevalence of those recovered from Covid over new daily cases, today they are registered 324 positive (more than 103.7% compared to yesterday). There are also others in the Region ten dead. On the other hand, the positives currently reach 5,904, one less than yesterday. The swabs analyzed were 3,364 and the antigen tests 3,185. The positivity rate on the total is 4.9% (yesterday it was 2%) and in the molecular only 9.6% (it was 4). There are 485 hospitalized in hospital, five more than yesterday, 79 of which (one more) in intensive care.
I’m 304 new cases of Covid-19 registered in Abruzzo, results of 8,476 tests performed (4,447 molecular swabs and 4,092 antigen tests). The total number of infections, since the beginning of the emergency, amounts to 60,928 infections. The balance of patients passed away registers 10 new cases and amounts to 1,934. In the field of hospitalizations, 667 (-8 compared to yesterday) are hospitalized in non-intensive care, 89 (+2 compared to yesterday with 6 new hospitalizations) in intensive care. Another 10,922 (-688 compared to yesterday) are instead in home isolation, with active surveillance by the ASL. The number of positive cases also includes 47,316 discharged / cured (+986 compared to yesterday). The positives currently in Abruzzo are 11,678 (-694 compared to yesterday). Since the start of the Coronavirus emergency, a total of 827,693 molecular swabs and 323,314 antigen tests have been performed. The positivity rate is 3.6%.
The other Regions
In Basilicata 1,384 molecular swabs were tested: 136 were positive for Coronavirus. The Region also registers 4 deaths. Also in Val d’Aosta 49 new cases and one death. In Calabria 216 infections and 92 in Sardinia.
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