Stop the AstraZeneca vaccine, the school staff are scared and the Regions block everything. Experts: No to scaremongering


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The suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine has thrown the school world into chaos: the vaccination campaign for school personnel comes to a severe halt and, what is worse, has caused justified concern among school personnel who have already received the first dose of the vaccine. those who have not received it yet. Meanwhile, the Regions are slowly blocking the vaccination campaign on the basis of the indications of the AIFA. Experts, however, urge you not to “lose your mind.”

In fact, the concern of the teachers is felt: “We are all very scared. We did the Covid vaccine from AstraZeneca, because they told us the problem was only in one batch. Vaccination with AstraZeneca is now blocked as a precautionary measure. There are those like me who got vaccinated yesterday and now for us there is also uncertainty about the second dose. We hope this clears up soon.“Said a teacher as we have already reported.

Covid vaccine, Aifa temporarily prohibits the use of Astrazeneca throughout Italy. Esperanza: “We await clarification from the EMA”

The school staff’s quest for clarity is clearly understandable: to date, more than 600,000 workers had received the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine and are now wondering: “Can I be comfortable with the first dose I receive?” And later: “When can I get the second dose?On this last question, Aifa itself specified that indications will be given shortly.

AstraZeneca vaccine, school personnel await indications for the second dose: the first has already passed to more than 600 thousand people

If, as most experts believe, the situation is resolved shortly, there shouldn’t be much of an impact on the completion of vaccination.

the RegionsHowever, already in the afternoon they began to communicate that the vaccines are suspended, as far as the beneficiaries of AstraZeneca are concerned. Now we need to understand how long the lockdown will last. EMA’s response is expected on Thursday.

Speaking of experts: What are the leading scientists saying about the suspension of the vaccine? “In these cases, halftones can fuel agitation, especially in vaccinators.“, He explains Fabrizio Pregliasco. “With the bowls stopped, a more serene assessment can be made“, Stresses the expert, medical director of Irccs Galeazzi in Milan.

I can only share Aifa’s position. Stopping vaccines with AstraZeneca is a precautionary measure to clarify and publicize that vaccine safety is critical to the government. We await analysis and data, ready to start again as soon as there are no more doubts“, Writes on Twitter the immunologist of the University of Padua, Antonella Viola.

Second Massimo galli, head of the department of infectious diseases of the Sacco hospital in Milan “,everything will be solved in a soap bubble and that will do great harm by stopping the vaccination campaign“.

However, this suspension “will do great harm – says Galli – because it will create more uncertainty in people. Then, in all probability, it will be resolved into nothingness, unless – specifies the specialist – there are data that we do not know“.

I understand that there are also people in my region who would have been vaccinated until 7pm even after the Astrazeneca blockade.“. He said that Matteo bassetti, chief physician of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino Polyclinic of Genoa, during his speech on the Fourth Republic transmitted by Rete4. “I know – he added- trust in institutions is lost, so it is difficult to recover“.

It is a must. In the face of death reports, it is clear that decisions must be made and, above all, verify what the situation is. I don’t think scaremongering should be created“. The pharmacologist comments Silvio Garattini, president of the Mario Negri Institute, on Rai Radio1.

Even the unions took to the field to ask for peace of mind from school personnel: for the CGIL and the FLC “Communication is essential, you cannot leave them empty if you want these processes to be lived with confidence. Quickly explain the reasons for the suspension, proceed with Europe to clarify the real situation, give the necessary guarantees to Italian citizens ”. In situations of this type, there is a risk of compromising the effectiveness of the only real tool capable of stopping the pandemic: vaccination.“, Concludes the note of the union.

Everyone has the right to have clear information and to be reassured on the basis of reliable scientific data. Only in this way can the climate of strong concern that is determined more and more markedly with each passing hour be eradicated at the root.“, At that time Marcello pacifico, President Anief.

Requests for clarity also come from the policy: “The most important thing we need to do now is reassure ourselves about the usefulness of vaccines and those who have already received a dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine.This was stated by the senators who are members of the Hygiene and Health Commission of Five Star Movement.

“We still have to improve on a scientific level. Communication uncertainties, including about the AstraZeneca vaccine, often depend on European factors (the EMA does not shine, on the contrary: the uncertainties of certain European bureaucrats are a formidable commercial for Boris Johnson and his Brexit), but also on some limitations of the locals. management. Aifa’s contradictory position at this time (yesterday’s, today’s) is emblematic. We hope that everything clears up quickly in the next few hours.“. He writes it in Enews Matteo renzi.

AstraZeneca, another failure of Europe. Not only do the promised vaccines not arrive, but the authorized ones are suspended. But what are they doing in Brussels? Does Ema have to wait until Thursday?“This was stated in a note by the leader of the League, Matteo salvini.

There is a little “yellow” regarding AIFA: in the afternoon press release it was clearly stated that the Medicines Agency “immediately release any additional information that may be available, including other ways to complete the vaccination cycle for those who have already received the first dose“.

Here is the press release now present on the drug agency website:


It is evident that the last part has been omitted from the currently present press release, precisely the one relating to the indications for the second dose.

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