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Palù (Aifa): “No more false alarms, vaccines are safe”

“Vaccines are safe and surveillance depends on AIFA, not just one Region. The vaccination plan is national, first approved with an act of Parliament and now with a decree. The Constitution says that in the event of a national disaster it is the State that coordinates the decisions ”. Thus, on the decision of the Piedmont region – which interrupted the administration of AstraZeneca for a few hours due to an alleged case of very serious adverse reaction – the president of the Medicines Agency Giorgio Palù. In an interview with Repubblica, he also talks about the previous withdrawal of a batch by Aifa, which must verify two cases of thrombosis that occurred in Sicily. “In that case – he specifies – it is a batch of 500,000 doses of which 250,000 reached Italy and 170,000 were inoculated without major adverse effects. A thrombotic event affects approximately one person in every 1,000 inhabitants each year. Among young people, the figure rises to one case for every 10-100 thousand inhabitants. Aifa has blocked the batch in question as a precaution, once the investigations are completed the release will be made.

REUTERS / Dylan Martínez

Going back to what happened in Piedmont, according to Palù “there was a lot of emotion. Vaccines are safe, just look at the numbers. AstraZeneca has inoculated 11 million people in the UK. There were 269 cases of post-administration thromboembolism, of which 45 were fatal. However, they were only temporarily linked to the vaccine, no causal link was found. “

TO KNOW MORE: Vaccines, here is the plan: 500 thousand daily doses and 80% of vaccinated by September
