
Italy prepares to turn redder and red: more than half the country will convert Red zone since Monday March 15, after the ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Roberto Speranza, which decrees the maximum risk range for Lombardy, Piedmont, Trento, Lazio, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna, Puglia, Veneto, Tuscany, March. Campania and Molise also remain in the red. All other Regions, except Sardinia which remains blank, turn orange. Yesterday’s newsletter, Friday March 12, on Covid-19 shows that in Italy there were 26,824 new coronavirus infections, of a total of 369,636 tests carried out, with a positivity rate of 7.25%, an increase compared to the previous day. The deaths have been 380 in the last 24 hours, for a total of 101,564 deaths. Here is the daily increase in cases Region by Region:
- Lombardy: +6,262
- Veneto: +1,932
- Piedmont: +2,929
- Campania: +2,644
- Emilia Romagna: +3,477
- Lazio: +1.757
- Tuscany: +1.304
- Sicily: +679
- Apulia: +1.774
- Liguria: +406
- Friuli Venezia Giulia: +971
- Walk: +874
- Abruzzo: +515
- Sardinia: +106
- PA Bolzano: +147
- Umbria: +219
- Calabria: +305
- PA Trento: +281
- Basilicata: +144
- Molise: +72
- Aosta Valley: +28
the The Draghi government has approved the new Covid decree: a squeeze comes from Monday March 15, when all Italy will be at least in the orange zone, except Sardinia (which remains white). For Easter the restrictions will be even greater, with the national red zone for April 3, 4 and 5, that is, Saturday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. On these three days, however, visits to family and friends will be allowed for a maximum of two people. Visits prohibited in the red zone from March 15 to April 2 and April 6: they will only be allowed in the orange zones. The decree introduces a new automatism for entering the red zone: in areas where the incidence exceeds 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days, entry into the highest risk range becomes automatic.
Coronavirus cases around the world they reach 119 million, with more than 2.5 million deaths. More than 100 million doses of the Covid vaccine have been administered in the United States: more than one in four adults have already received the first dose, and 13.5% of Americans are already immunized with the second dose. Today the autopsy of the dead soldier is expected, which led to the precautionary suspension of the administration of a lot of the AstraZeneca vaccine, meanwhile Ema and WHO assure that there are no links between the deaths and the vaccine.
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