Astra Zeneca vaccine, the great mess of circulars: on the suspension, in Italy, of a single batch of vaccines from the Anglo-Swedish company, decided last Thursday by Aifa (ABV 2856), to shed light on some serious adverse events , in Campania throughout the day yesterday, a series of concatenations occurred from the early hours of the morning, generating confusion and uncertainty. However, at the end of the day, the balance was positive and in all Asl the prophylaxis procedures continued without major setbacks.
It all started from an internal note from Napoli 1 ASL issued yesterday at 6.55 am, addressed to officials and managers of the metropolitan ASL vaccination machine. The note ordered with immediate effect “not to use the doses of AstraZeneca vaccine in stock in the ASL, suspending all administration activities with this vaccine regardless of the lot.” The introduction refers to two other batches of Astra Zeneca vaccine, other than the one effectively suspended, with reference to an indication to that effect received by the Crisis Unit for short routes. Lots used for sampling initiated by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and for comparison with the offending lot ABV2856, already suspended by AIFA the day before. In reality, an error has probably occurred: the Crisis Unit meets and intervenes to correct it and three hours later the ASL leaders clarify, with a new and more urgent note, (which cancels the previous one) that it is possible to proceed to the administration of the batches of Astra Zeneca vaccine in stock at the ASL Napoli 1 Centro, noting however that, in addition to the original batch ABV2856, a second batch ABV6096 suspended “temporarily as a precautionary measure and for the time strictly necessary to complete the tests The aforementioned sampling by the Higher Institute of Health should not be used.
READ ALSO Astrazeneca, the second batch of vaccines in Campania suspended: it is the one administered to the caretaker who died in Acerra
Why are there two lots? “The second batch cannot be used for a few days to allow sampling – regional sources explain – it is not suspended, because the suspension can only be ordered by AIFA, but it cannot be used for a few days.” From what has been learned in all regions, 30 doses are extracted from that batch for a sample control by the Higher Institute of Health. In practice, any Astra Zeneca vaccine administration activity can safely continue with doses drawn from other batches that are already in stock.
That the unusable batches of Astra Zeneca (one of which only momentarily) are actually two is also proven by an official note from the ASL of Salerno which reads: “At the vaccination points, vaccination activities with the available batches of Astrazeneca vaccine continued throughout the day, after the Region blocked the two batches.” In the same local health authority 1,114 people were vaccinated: «Since it has registered an imperceptible decrease compared to the previous days. A sign that the security protocols adopted and the guarantees of the ASL have produced an adequate climate of trust in the citizenry ”. Meanwhile, batch ABV2856, withdrawn by AIFA, is no longer present in the Company: “The Nas have withdrawn the 4,180 doses that ASL Salerno still had available, while last week 14,000 doses had already been administered to the population (for which no adverse reactions were observed) ‘. On the other hand, there were some problems in the vaccination points of the ASL Napoli 3 sud: yesterday morning in Torre del Greco the social gatherings, the perplexities to accept Astra Zeneca and the too disorderly lines led the police to put order and improve a non-optimal management. Also in Nola there were fairly general desertions and resignations. In Napoli 2 Nord, especially in Marigliano, fears and fears have been painstakingly dispelled thanks to in-depth explanations from healthcare workers in charge of vaccines.
Solved batch yellow, yet another node has emerged: Asl Napoli 1, but also Napoli 3 sud, did not issue at the time of vaccination, in particular the administration of the first dose, a certification showing the type of vaccine and the batch used. Napoli 3 sud has announced that the plan provides for delivery once the vaccination cycle is over and that, in any case, on Sunday everyone will be able to know the batch and type of vaccine received. The Region is working on the computer platform so that in a very short time all registered citizens can access and verify their complete data, which will allow them to download the vaccination certificate directly.
Meanwhile, yesterday afternoon Aifa points out: “A false version of Aifa’s press release # 632 published on March 11 is circulating on social media reporting false batch numbers of the AstraZeneca Covid19 vaccine. It is reiterated that the only subject AstraZeneca vaccine batch to the prohibition of use in the national territory is the number ABV2856 “, remembering then that any action” aimed at spreading false and dangerous news for the community, will be counteracted by any means “. reserving taking appropriate legal action against such illegal disclosure.