The curve of the contagion shows no signs of waning, especially in Lombardy, some news could come between tomorrow and later, but the season of the Dpcm newspapers. On the other hand the Technical scientific committee It is an advisory body and it is improper to transform opinions – directed to the Ministry of Health – into decisions already taken by the government that instead moves cautiously, attentive to the times and with a view above all to Easter vacations which could represent the first opportunity for a “massive flight”.
Specific closures, national red zone during the weekend: towards changes in the Dpcm. Divided regions
Blockade, Bonaccini in Cartabianca: “Ok to national measures to vaccinate more”
The objective
Despite some agitation from experts and virologists, to know if something is really going to change, we will have to wait for it to the usual meeting on Friday in which the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza provides the weekly data, we proceed to move on to the bands. of the regions that always exceed the parameters with the necessary notice and the adoption of new measures is evaluated.
In the opinion of the CTS -provided by the Twenty-seven after three hours of meeting- various restrictive proposals are read and although it is said that they want to maintain the gang scheme and exclude the national confinement, the sum of the suggestions in fact very similar to you and also has my goal for the Easter holidays that could turn out, thanks to the good weather, a considerable opportunity to travel between regions. The alarm is also from the president of Anci Antonio De Caro: “It would be useful to prevent someone from moving around during the holidays and increasing infections.” In fact, the CTS suggests that Minister Speranza abolish the yellow zone for which a decisive strengthening of the restrictive measures is requested, starting with the closure of public places. In addition, they are proposed for all red weekends as happened at Christmas and the automatic establishment of red zones as soon as the threshold of 250 cases out of 100 thousand is exceeded. Therefore, the discretion of individual regions and the possibility of provincial closures would be skipped, but the presidents do not seem willing to give up. For the provincial red zones there are no exceptions and therefore closure not only of schools but also of public places.
Experts worry not only about the situation of the intensive therapy, but above all the speed with which the English variant of the virus spreads and hence the need to reactivate tracking. The last Dpcm, however, is about ten days ago and there are those in the government who point out that the effects of the measures contained there, such as the closure of schools, even if they are in the yellow band, need time to produce effects. Obviously, the CTS also underlines the urgency of accelerating the vaccination campaign, the slow progress of which should advise – they affirm – a tightening of containment measures. The Committee, as seven days ago, is proposing the hard line again, considering the rising curve of infections and hospitals in suffering with intensive care above the critical threshold in many regions. Restrictions and closures to limit interpersonal contacts because, in the opinion of the CTS, the measures currently in force are not sufficient.
Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the Minister of Health Speranza will submit to the control room of the ministry and then to the heads of delegation, the opinion of the CTS and a package of measures that includes the hardening of the parameters that would facilitate it. slip into the orange and red of many regions. In the new government, however, the sanctioning patrol has decreased considerably, the sensitivities are different and – in addition to the pandemic curve – it must be taken into account that after a year of restrictions there is much more “nervousness” in the social fabric. as we saw yesterday with the demonstration of the owners of gyms and sports centers.
The Vice Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri yesterday he told Sky that we have to keep going “for 4-6 weeks”, but then there is the whole vaccination campaign to push hard. And that is why the government is already thinking of an extension of the state of emergency – which expires at the end of April – until September. With the data in hand, it is very likely that next week many of the yellow regions, including Lazio, will turn orange and others will automatically change to red without having to introduce new rules or put out a new dpcm.