this is not the time for dividerci-


Speak on the occasion of women’s Day, but it is directed to the country, to the citizens, to its own government. It indicates “the worsening of the health emergency”, but sends a message of hope, “we see a way out, not too far away.” He thanked Italians, of all categories, for their patience, for their efforts against Covid, Italians who deserve trust, but along with “the government’s commitment to win it.” Also because “I don’t want to promise anything that isn’t really achievable.” In 7 minutes of video message Mario Draghi Take advantage of International Women’s Day to send a message that is also to the nation, at a time when more sacrifices, closures, red zones seem possible, perhaps necessary. But above all, he affirms several times that it is the same government, chaired by him, that is under scrutiny, having to do its job “every day” more quickly and efficiently: “Everyone must do their part to contain the spread of the virus “. . But above all, the government must do its part. The pandemic has not yet been defeated but, with the acceleration of the vaccination plan, the way out is not far. I want to take this opportunity to send everyone a real sign of confidence. Even in ourselves.

The responsibility of the government

And in this speech that addresses the citizens and at the same time his ministers, himself, in a continuous symmetry of responsibility between governors and citizens, we must first of all thank: all Italians “for their discipline, their infinite patience. , especially those who suffer the economic consequences of the pandemic “, but also “The students, families and teachers who bear the brunt of school closures, health workers, the police, the armed forces, the Civil Protection and many other workers at the forefront for their incessant work. These are also examples of civic and professional responsibility, of active Italian citizenship that require the government to multiply all efforts. We are only at the beginning.

Return to normal

The promise is to hurry, to be effective, but also to “safeguard the lives of Italians by all means and allow a return to normalcy as soon as possible. Every life counts. Don’t waste a moment, leave no stone unturned, make thoughtful but quick decisions. My worries are your worries. My constant thinking is aimed at making effective and efficient the action of the executive in protecting health, supporting those in difficulties, promoting economic recovery, accelerating reforms.

The one-year budget

Draghi also takes stock of a year, a “lousy” budget, which will be counteracted with an increasingly effective response, “a vaccine plan that will be significantly strengthened in the coming days” and in which the most people and categories will be seen. fragile. privileged risk: «On March 10, a year ago, Italy closed, becoming, for the first time, a big red zone. One of our fellow citizens in twenty has been infected, according to official data that, as is known, underestimate the spread of the virus. We would never have thought that a year later we would have found ourselves faced with a similar emergency ”and also with an official death toll that just yesterday reached the emblematic threshold of one hundred thousand deaths. “We have the duty of our commitment to respect the memory of the many citizens who have lost their lives.”

The gender gap

Then he goes into detail on the occasion, Women’s Day, cites the work done by Minister Elena Bonetti, the national strategy for gender equality, and points out the Italian gap compared to other EU countries: “By example of many Italians in all fields, including family normality, we have much, much to do to bring the level and quality of gender equality to European averages. Mobilizing the energies of women, not just a symbolic recognition of the role and talent of women, they are essential to build the future of our nation.
But to obtain results, continues the premier, we need “deep reforms”, and above all we must “first of all change ourselves in the day-to-day life of our family.” And when the emergency passes “the tools we have to use are varied, I am thinking, among others, of parental leave, I am thinking of the number of places in nursery schools that see us below the European objectives, and of their territorial distribution that it must be made much more equitable than it is today. ‘

Pain for femicides

Finally, the words about too many femicides, a “painful” condition, and here, as about all forms of gender violence, “the proposals of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry are shared. Today, for the victims, and also as a reaction produced Due to the pandemic, it seems that a new consciousness is forming that finds an extraordinary opportunity in the Next Generation Eu program to become a reality in the governmental action of my government. Among the various criteria that will be used to evaluate the projects of the National Plan of Recovery and Resilience will also be your contribution to gender equality.

March 8, 2021 (change March 8, 2021 | 21:48)

