The opportunity is provided on March 8. The Prime Minister is preparing a video that, once again, represents a summary of the change in strategy that he intends to make in the fight against the pandemic. She thanked the women, of course, and stressed that “focused actions and profound reforms are needed to fully involve them in the economic, social and institutional life of the country,” starting with the Recovery projects, where “there will also be their contribution to equality. of genre “. Then the emergency chapter. Mario Draghi insists on this, pointing out that “our task – and I mean at all institutional levels – is to safeguard the lives of Italians by all means and allow the return to normality as soon as possible.” “Every life counts – stresses the prime minister -. Don’t waste a moment, leave no stone unturned, make thoughtful but quick decisions. I don’t want to promise anything that isn’t really achievable. My worries are your worries. My constant thinking is aimed at making effective and efficient the action of the executive in protecting health, supporting those in difficulties, promoting economic recovery, accelerating reforms.
Mario Draghi, in short, in his speech at the Conference “Towards a National Strategy for Gender Equality” promoted by the Minister of Equal Opportunities and Family, Elena Bonetti speaks to women but distills and her map of rods to remove them from the emergency. , both in health and in the economy of the country. “The pandemic has not yet been defeated, but with the acceleration of the vaccination plan, a way out is not far away. We are all facing, these days, a new worsening of the health emergency. Everyone must do their part to contain the spread of the virus. But above all, the government must do its part. Rather, you should try to do more each day. Hence the announcement on the change in vaccination strategy: “In the vaccination plan, which will be significantly strengthened in the coming days,” explains the head of government, “the most fragile people and risk categories will be privileged.” Waiting your turn is also a way to protect the health of our weaker fellow citizens.
Then he adds: “I want to take this opportunity to send everyone a true sign of confidence. Even in ourselves. Once again, I thank the citizens for their discipline, their infinite patience, especially those who are also suffering the economic consequences of the pandemic. I am grateful to the students, families, and teachers who are enduring the brunt of the school closings. I thank the health workers, the police, the armed forces, the Civil Protection and many other workers on the front line for their incessant work. These are also examples of civic and professional responsibility, of active Italian citizenship that require the Government to multiply all efforts. We are only at the beginning.