In Lazio they increase the forty years that fall ill COVID-19 and that they have to go to hospitals. And, what is more alarming, the average age of patients who have to resort to intensive care to recover is decreasing: 70 percent in health centers. resuscitation He is between 45 and 60 years old. A month ago, with the same percentage, those over 70 were the most “popular” in those departments. Variants to COVID-19 and greater attention to the elderly – either due to vaccinations initiated in January for octogenarians, or because at a certain age people go out more and more rarely waiting for immunization – the geography of Covid in hospitals in the capital is changing.
Lazio yellow zone, variant alert. Spinella (Cnr): “Risks up to 4,000 cases a day”
Translated, not only do you get sick at a younger age (the average has dropped to between 43 and 44 only among those with symptoms) but you risk your younger life. And in some cases, like Stefano Limongi, the 34-year-old restaurateur from Bufalotta, and a 31-year-old from Latina dies even younger. Massimo Antonelli, head of the Gemelli Intensive Care Unit explains: “Since vaccinations for octogenarians began, we have seen fewer and fewer elderly hospitalized. That they are not lacking, let’s clarify immediately, but they are a minority. The majority, on the other hand, are between 45 and 60 years old. And many of them suffer from respiratory failure conditions, such as bilateral pneumonia, which we previously diagnosed in people older than 70 years. And among our patients there are also thirty-something. Of course, a younger age helps recovery, but it is a fact that should make us wonder how the virus has changed in recent months.
According to estimates among healthcare companies, the 45-60 age group currently occupies 70 percent of intensive care beds. There are 20% who are over sixty years old, 3% under 45 and the remaining 7% who have not yet been vaccinated. Just a month ago, the percentages were opposite: those over 70 years old represented more than 2 two-thirds of those hospitalized in intensive care. For the record, it must be said that Lazio, with 240 occupied intensive care units, still has more than two-thirds of the places available. But the decrease in age in the contraction of the virus is a fact that scares for several reasons: first because we are talking about people who, for work reasons, move more and more; second, this data could be an effect of the diffusion of the variants, which according to some experts also takes root in subjects with broader immune defenses.
So much so that some epidemiologists, such as Professor Massimo Andreoni, wonder “if it is not appropriate to modify vaccination strategies, which until now have focused on age and frailty.” All this happens while the contagion curve in Lazio, unlike what is happening in the rest of Italy, marks a constant trend. However, it doesn’t even log the expected drops. The latest bulletin indicates that out of a total of 30 thousand tests, 1,399 new positives are registered (-164 compared to the previous 24 hours), 13 deaths and 943 recovered, leading to 200 thousand who have left the Covid tunnel. There are 591 new cases in Rome. The proportion of swabs performed to infected falls below 4 percent, while hospitalizations increase by 55 units.