Risk of blockage: decisive days for the new Dpcm. Assumptions about restrictions and curfews


Milan – Italy at risk of blockade. Is maximum alert on the contagion curve: almost 21,000 positives in the last 24 hours. Leading the ranking of daily cases is the Lombardy (which touched 4,400 positives). But it is not the only region that worries: an explosive situation also in Emilia-Romagna and Campania, respectively with 3,056 and 2,560 cases in the last 24 hours. For tomorrow change the colormap of the regions: Veneto and Friuli turn orange, while in Campania the red zone will begin. One year after the first total blockade, Italy is again facing difficult and decisive days. the first Dpcm of the Draghi era. But they are not excluded new measures in close proximity. The prime minister could intervene with a new decree. Fear is mainly linked to the variant effect, which gave the virus a sudden acceleration.

“Reactive vaccination and containment actions to stop the race of the virus in Lombardy”

The anti-Covid strategy goes beyond territorial blockades. “Today we have a huge differentiation between territories and the model built serves precisely to highlight these differences” said the Minister of Health. Roberto Speranza. On Friday the new monitoring and the consequent band changes. Meanwhile, it is the governors and mayors who go out into the field. Set Lombardy, for example, as of Friday March 5 it is in the enhanced orange zone. In Lombardy “we have tried to implement a model that has two pillars – said the Councilor for Wellbeing today Letizia moratti -. The first is to mitigate csupport the virus with containment actions circumscribing specific areas. Where did we do it, like a Viggiù and Bollate or Mede, we have seen the spread of the virus decrease. Thesaving is a reactive vaccine, respecting the national plan, privileging, together with the priority categories, the most critical areas. So far, in doing so, we have achieved do not enter the red zone “.

Lombardy orange zone reinforced: the rules. What can and cannot be done

Assumptions about curfews and travel

But will these local barriers be enough? the Dpcm came into force on March 6 confirms the implementation of the above measures Until 6 April and entrusted to the presidents of the Region the possibility of suspending school activities in the areas of greatest risk, such as those in which more than 250 infections are registered per 100,000 inhabitants. The stop to travel between regions is also in force, extended until March 27. One exception, as the Viminale explains, concerns participation in events that take place in a single city. However, to do this, you will need to have the self-certification with you. However, it is not excluded that the the travel ban extends at least until Easter, thus also following the recommendations of scientists. the Scientific Technical Committeein fact, he expressed “great concern” about the evolution of the pandemic, requesting “the lifting of measures throughout the national territory and the reduction of physical interactions and mobility.” No lock required, but an increase in restrictions, in fact, that could involve other services, such as shopping centers, in the areas where the stop for face-to-face teaching is established. In light of the recommendations, it is not ruled out that we may return to the Christmas restrictions, with limitations on weekends and the anticipation of the curfew, currently in force from 10 to 5 in the morning. The next few weeks will be decisive to avoid the risk of all of Italy, once again, in the red zone.
