BOLOGNA – The capital of Emilia-Romagna -in the city and province- reaches its record of infections since the beginning of the pandemic and confirms the epicenter, in the middle of the red zone, of the spread of the English variant. And in Romagna the virus is spreading. In the last twenty-four hours the positives under the Two Towers have been close to a thousand units. Hospitals across the province are under pressure. More than a thousand hospitalizations and 10,000 patients.
In detail, 3,232 new positive cases (1,369 asymptomatic) were discovered in the last 24 hours in the entire region compared to more than 36 thousand swabs (the percentage positive / swab reached 8.8%), of which 985 in the area of Bolognese. There are 25 deaths, of which 9 in Bologna. At the regional level, there are 52,442 active cases (+2,134 since yesterday), of which 49,414 in home isolation. Admissions increased by 100: 275 (+9) patients in intensive care, 2,753 in the other covid departments (+91). Those cured are 1,073 more than yesterday and reach 213,413.
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Figures that impress and worry Mayor Virginio Merola. The national control room classifies Emilia-Romagna as “high” risk. In one week in the region, 342 cases were registered per 100,000 inhabitants, the highest incidence in Italy, which rises to 597 if we consider the period of 14 days (and it is still a record).
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Emilia-Romagna coronavirus: 25 dead
There are another 25 victims, bringing the total since the beginning of the pandemic to 10,746: 9 in the province of Bologna (7 women aged 70, 72, 80, 81.82, 89 and 93 years and 2 men, respectively, of 83 and 86 years), 7 in the province of Rimini (4 women of 70, 84, 86 and 93 years old and 3 men of which one of 72 years, one of 81 and one of 92 years), 3 in the province of Parma (3 women aged 72.76 and 82 years), 2 in the province of Ferrara (two men aged 73 and 74 respectively), 2 in the province of Reggio-Emilia (2 women aged 80 and 83 years) and 2 in Ravenna province (1 71-year-old man and 83-year-old woman). No deaths are recorded in the provinces of Modena, Forlì-Cesena and Piacenza.
Emilia-Romagna coronavirus: infections province by province
The contagion situation in the provinces sees Bologna with 852 new cases and Modena with 610; then Reggio Emilia (334), Rimini (246), Cesena (243), Ravenna (219), Parma (203), Ferrara (201). Followed by the territory of Imola (143), the district of Forlì (112) and the province of Piacenza (69)
Contagions: large numbers in Romagna
The numbers that forced the passage in the red zone of all the Romagna are “heavy”, where “the virus runs more than in any other place”. This was explained by the CEO of Romagna Ausl, Tiziano Carradori. The alarm sounds when there are 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants for two weeks. “We are in a situation of maximum alert, although we have not yet collapsed – underlines the director Ausl – in Romagna we are in 873 and there is no province below: 873 in Rimini; 943 in Cesena with the Rubicone area over a thousand; 677 in Forlì ; 710 in Ravenna with the territory of Faenza above 1,100 “.
In the last week, the incidence rate has grown by 37% in Romagna, with a peak of 55% in Cesena and 50% in Forlì. The departments are also in serious trouble. “In the regional panorama, we are the ones who suffer the least from the occupation of beds – underlines the director of the Ausl Romagna – the places occupied in intensive care however have increased by 67% in one week, from 24 to 40: we have a hundred in everything and we must protect them if we want to use them also for other pathologies ”. The occupancy of the rest of the covid beds, on the other hand, “increased by 20%, from 434 to 522, so much so that we had to start converting the beds again.” In Emilia-Romagna, Carradori explains, the RT was 1.28 on February 21, but “now it is presumably much higher.” In this context, “the territories of Forlì-Cesena and Rimini together with Bologna have a higher level of incidence and with Ravenna they are the provinces with the highest incidence growth than all the others in the region.
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Infections in Bologna, Ausl: “It is the most difficult moment”
Back in Bologna, the mayor extended the closure of Piazza Scaravilli, in the university area, until April 6. Ausl director Paolo Bordon explains: “It is the most difficult moment, 4-5 days of hell await us. I have never seen the virus spread so fast. The average age of those admitted to intensive care is 62 years. they are also thirty and forty years old. They spend a few days at home with a cough, they come to the emergency room, they have trouble breathing, they need oxygen: this is the classic movie. In the Major we are transforming six resuscitation rooms, the hospital ‘Bazzano is all Covid, Vergato too, the medical department has become San Giovanni in Persiceto. We are creating an unprecedented provincial network between intensive and semi-intensive care, we need to reach 200 beds. A huge organizational effort ”.
Vaccines against coronavirus in Emilia-Romagna: 151 thousand people immunized
At 3:00 p.m., a total of 467,897 doses were administered in Emilia-Romagna; Today, always at that time, 11.209, and the companies continue throughout the day. Of the total, 151,823 are second doses, that is, people who have completed the vaccination cycle.