The new colors of the regions, starting Monday


The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, has signed the new ordinances on the colors of the regions starting next Monday, March 8. Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto go into the orange zone, while Campania goes into the red zone. Lombardy remains in the “reinforced” orange zone, a transition that took place today following an order from President Attilio Fontana, and Piedmont also becomes the same color.

Therefore, they are in the red zone: Campania, Basilicata and Molise. In the orange zone are: Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna, Marche, Tuscany, Abruzzo, Umbria and the autonomous provinces of Bolzano and Trento. In the yellow zone: Aosta Valley, Liguria, Lazio, Calabria, Puglia and Sicily. Some provinces are red zone following regional ordinances. Sardinia, on the other hand, remains in the white zone.

The regulations for risk areas remained practically unchanged after the introduction of the new decree of the Prime Minister, signed by Mario Draghi on March 2 and in force from tomorrow, Saturday, March 6 to April 6.

The curfew is confirmed from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. and the obligation to use the mask also outdoors. There is still a ban on moving between regions, regardless of the color assigned, at least until March 27. As always, travel between regions is permitted for proven reasons of work, health, or need. In the orange zone, as before, it is possible to visit a single house (of anyone, friends or family), once a day, from 5 to 22, within the same municipality, while in the yellow zone within the region.

In the yellow and orange regions where more than 250 weekly cases of coronavirus infections have been detected per 100,000 inhabitants, the decree allows regional presidents to close all schools at all levels and introduce distance learning.

The president of the Piedmont Region, Alberto Cirio, announced that “the teaching activity of the second and third middle and high schools will be carried out in DAD (distance education, ed) at 100 percent, for 15 days”. The DAD will be applied in several other regions, with modalities defined in these hours and that will be formalized by the regional presidents with new ordinances.

In the yellow zone, bars and restaurants can be open from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Consumption at the table is allowed for a maximum of four people per table, unless they are all living together. After 6 pm it is forbidden to consume food and beverages in public places and open to the public, but restaurants can remain open until 10 pm to take away, while home delivery has no time limit. In the orange and red zone, bars and restaurants cannot provide table service, but take-out is allowed until 6 pm in bars and until 10 pm in restaurants. Also in this case there are no limits for home delivery.

In the yellow and orange zones, all stores can remain open, while in the red zones, only those that sell products considered essential, such as pharmacies, groceries, hardware stores, can do so. In the red zones, personal services such as hairdressers, barbers and beauty centers will be closed. Shopping centers throughout Italy remain closed on weekends and gyms, swimming pools and ski resorts are always closed, just as contact and team sports are prohibited.
