Florence, March 6, 2021 – Tuscany stay orange. This is the decision of the Ministry of Health and the control room next week, from March 8 to 14, for the region that has an Rt around 1.20, below that 1.25 that in theory would shoot the red zone.
On Friday night, Giani decided with interested mayors on mini-bull runs in the red zone for Prato, Siena and Empolese. All of which remain orange. After weighing the data, none of these areas will be red, in fact Siena exits the same red zone after a week of lockdown.
Schools closed in Tuscany, that’s where
Colors of the region: Rt in Italy rises to 1.06. Region by region data
Siena leaves the red zone, but schools remain closed here
At night, after the meeting with Eugenio Giani, Siena and the province leave the red zone, which lasted a week. Mayor De Mossi announces it. The return to orange will be at midnight between Sunday and Monday.
Lawn in balance, but remains orange
“On Monday, Prato is still the orange zone and schools will remain open – says the mayor of Prato Matteo biffoni after the video conference with Giani -. A decision made with conscience: data in hand, schools are not the places of greatest risk and data from Meadow for now they are not such that they force us to declare the red zone. But it’s not right and we are aware of it. Precisely because we are aware of the numbers, we will not wait for the facts and as far as we are concerned we will take action in the next few hours that can affect about compliance with anti-Covid regulations especially in the busiest areas such as the historic center and I have already asked to the prefect further tightening of controls. “
Empolese stays orange
After the mayors’ meeting with Giani, the Empolese is still the orange zone. The area, due to the number of infections, had remained in the balance between red and orange. The mayors themselves communicate their stay in orange. “On the basis of the provisions contained in the latest DPCM and the contagion rate – a press release reads – it was decided to keep the area of the Società della Salute Empolese Valdarno Valdelsa in the same risk range as Tuscany. Some municipalities We have higher figures, almost on the edge of red – the mayors explain – but this does not justify a band change also because ours is a homogeneous area that sees interconnected cities and towns, with a mobility of people linked to productive activities and schools For this reason it would have made little sense to put one or two municipalities in the red zone leaving all the others in orange. “
Tuscany is still orange
Tuscany remains in the orange zone, according to the ordinance signed by the Minister of Health Speranza and which comes into force on Monday, March 8. Lombardy is now in the reinforced orange band at the request of the governor Attilio fontana. Here is the big picture. Red zone: Campania, Basilicata and Molise. Orange zone: Lombardy, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Abruzzo, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Piedmont, Umbria, Tuscany and the autonomous provinces of Bolzano and Trento. Yellow zone: Liguria, Lazio, Calabria, Puglia, Sicily and Valle d’Aosta. White area: Sardinia.
Giani live on Facebook: “Red will be needed for some areas”
As in the last dpcm, article 21 offers the possibility for regional presidents to introduce more restrictive rules regarding the color in which the Region is located. “Tuscany is in the orange zone, but in some Tuscan territories the red zone will be needed – says the president of the Region Eugenio Giani live on Facebook – In the province of Pistoia the decision has been made to remain in the red zone”. Giani talks about an analysis “for individual municipalities. Two municipalities will be in the red zone next week: it is chickpea flour cake, which already had the red zone this week and will have it next week. But also the neighboring municipality, that of Castellina Marittima, in the province of Pisa it will be a red zone “.
Schools, here are the first municipalities that close them
“According to the law – says Giani – decisions about the school are in the case of circulation of variants or in the case of a particular epidemiological worsening. In this case we must provide an ordinance. Therefore, I used the method indicated by law. , the 250 infected weekly over 100 thousand inhabitants. The municipalities that exceed the figure are 76. It means a third of the Tuscan municipalities. I listened to the mayors and I mention the top ten. This is where the schools will be closed: Civitella Paganico (Grosseto), Marciano della Chiana (Arezzo), Lamporecchio, Massa and Cozzile, Ponte Buggianese (all three in the province of Pistoia), Castelnuovo Berardenga, Certaldo. Layout similar to Lucignano. I do not do the analysis of the 76. There will be about thirty municipalities that will close the schools. Even the municipalities of Arezzo me Siena institutes will be closed completely. ”
The numbers of Tuscany
“Our region – says Giani – has around 1200 infected Friday, March 5. Compared to other regions, we have the ability to maintain and control. We managed to reach 700 intensive care posts and, despite the increase in cases, we managed to keep the situation under control. Yet I appeal to all raise your guard. Exactly a year ago we started talking about blockades. In Tuscany there were 305 infections on March 31 to later see a virus that progressively entered hibernation. I know that now no one can take more measures but we must endure ”.
Covid Tuscany, data from March 5: 1231 new cases
The color changes for all regions.
For Giani, the global data on covid, from the Rt contagion index, should not lead to a worsening of the color. There Tuscany therefore, it must remain orange but the conditional is essential, since, among other things, the local red areas could increase (currently the provinces of Siena and Pistoia plus the municipality of Cecina).
There are 24 thousand new cases in 24 hours in Italy
There are 24,036 infected people registered in Italy on Friday, March 5. 297 victims. 13,682 the healed. Are the numbers from the daily bulletin about the pandemic disclosed by the Ministry of Health. The positives are currently 456,470. Of these, 433,571 are in home isolation, 20,374 are hospitalized with symptoms. In intensive care 2,525 patients were found: 222 entries of the day. Since yesterday, 378,463 swabs have been tested with a positivity rate 6.4% (-0.4%). 5,019,869 doses of vaccine administered in total.
In Tuscany moderate risk, but high probability of deterioration
There was a deterioration for the fifth consecutive week at the general level of risk. Only one Region, Sardinia, has a low risk. “This is underlined in the draft of the weekly follow-up report Iss-Ministry of Health for the week of February 22-28, updated to March 3.” There are 14 autonomous regions and provinces with a moderate risk classification: Basilicata, Calabria, Lazio, Liguria, Molise, Piedmont, Bolzano province, Trento province, Puglia, Sicily, Tuscany, Umbria, Valle d’Aosta and Veneto – the report continues – Of these nine have a high probability of progression to high risk in the coming weeks: Calabria, Molise, Piedmont, the provinces of Trento, Puglia, Tuscany, Umbria, Aosta Valley and Veneto “.
School, it is the Region that will decide in which municipalities to close them
“I will listen to the mayors one by one, in those sixty municipalities that have more than 250 cases out of every 100 thousand inhabitants in their territory: I will have a very specific conversation with them, then I will submit this interview to the Committee, and we will decide where of the 273 Tuscan municipalities close schools next week ». This was stated by Eugenio Giani, president of the Tuscany Region, speaking about ‘Che giorno è’ on Radio1.
Tuscany, the possible red zones: who risks more
School, the news of the regional committee of closures
«I will meet with this committee – said Giani – in Committee for the emergency of school prevention, today, friday, march 5 at 5 p.m.: in the afternoon it will take the measures that will come into force as of next Monday, which will be in effect weekly, and we will review them weekly. The Tuscan governor reiterated that he is a “defender of face-to-face teaching: it is no coincidence that I am the president of the Region that on January 11, even unlike many other colleagues of mine, I wanted young people from high school to be able to return to school “.
Giani: “Positive news about vaccines”
“The issue on which, in my opinion, the meeting is well established is the centrality of vaccines”, and “the news that was given to us at the beginning of the meeting is positive.” This was stated by Eugenio Giani, president of the Tuscany Region, speaking on ‘Che giorno è’ on Radio1, about the meeting on the anti-Covid vaccination plan between the ministers Mariastella Gelmini (Regional Affairs) and Roberto Speranza (Health), the presidents of the Comarca, the emergency commissioner, General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, and the head of civil protection Fabrizio Curcio.
Hospitals under pressure
It will be a delicate March given the growth of contagions, maximum attention is needed, we are at a decisive point ”, says the Regional Minister of Health. Simone bezzini. Everyone’Scotte hospital in Siena 104 people are hospitalized for Covid, an increase that forced the health management to immediately activate the new intensive care and organize the transfer of patients to other structures. To hospital Saint Jacopo of Pistoia On the other hand, the number of occupied beds is 110, with 19 people in intensive care that is close to saturation with its 24 places.
Istituto Superiore di Sanità: “Intensive care under stress”
Hospitals increasingly under stress. The employment rate in the ICU nationwide it is on the rise (26% versus 24% last week). The number of people admitted to intensive care increases of 2,146 last week a 2,327 (data refer to March 2). The number of people is also increasing hospitalized in medical areasand, going from 18,295 (02/23/2021) to 19,570 (03/02/2021). This is what appears in the weeks of follow-up of the Covis epidemic of the ISS and the Ministry of Health.
The national average RT rises: it is above 1
The national average Rt reaches 1.06. It is, according to what we learn, the data in the exam from the control room who is analyzing the weekly monitoring data Iss-Ministry of Health to be presented in the afternoon. Last week the value was at 0.99.
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