Romagna in the red zone from Monday. Despite an Rt of the Emilia Romagna region of 1.13, the mayors and Ausl Romagna have pushed the Region to launch more restrictive measures immediately, or as of next Monday. Therefore, we go from dark orange to red. The consequence will be the closure of shops, hairdressers and kindergartens, nurseries and nurseries. The duration of the ordinance should be fifteen days, as has already happened for the other provinces of Emilia Romagna, such as Bologna and Modena. “The data provided by the Ausl Romagna and related to the area of competition, in the last 14 days show an incidence of 832 cases of positivity per 100 thousand inhabitants. As for hospitalizations, 486 in the Covid wards while the intensive care units are occupied at 38%, above the threshold of 30% ”, reads a note from the Region.
The regional ordinance that will be signed by President Stefano Bonaccini will initiate the suspension of nurseries and kindergartens (both state and municipal) as of March 8, as well as the closure of personal services activities such as hairdressers and barbers, the same that foresees the new Dpcm for the red zones of the whole country. In fact, these are activities that, again in the red zones, the current Dpcm, valid until March 5, as long as they remain open.
“The epidemiological situation continues to see an upturn in the spread of the virus, with figures that every day and in a very short time reach levels difficult to find in the past – say the president of the Region, Stefano Bonaccini, and the regional policy advisor for health, Raffaele Donini-. Quick decisions are needed to respond blow by blow to the pandemic that changes due to new variants. Therefore, even with the confirmation today of Emilia-Romagna in the orange zone by the Government, however, based on data dating back to last week, compared to what we continue to register here today, and monitored daily, due to the transmissibility of the virus to hospitalizations, and based on the Ausl Romagna indications, we extend the red zone already in force in the provinces of Modena and Bologna to the municipalities of the provinces of Ravenna, Forlì -Cesena and Rimini, with the del Reggiano already in dark orange. Difficult decisions, that happen, but that we must take to limit and stop the infection, working together with the Government to change the rhythm of the vaccination campaign ”.
What changes?
Restaurants and bars. In this area it is always forbidden to consume food and beverages in restaurants and other catering activities (including bars, patisseries, ice cream parlors, etc.) and in its vicinity. From 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., take-out food and drinks are allowed to be sold, as follows: from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., without restrictions; from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Home delivery is allowed without a time limit, but in any case it must be done in accordance with the regulations on packaging and delivery of products. It is also allowed, without a time limit, the consumption of food and beverages inside the hotels and other accommodation activities, only for clients staying in them.
Nests and maternal. The activity of nurseries and nursery schools will be suspended as of March 8, 2021. The rest of school and educational activities are carried out exclusively at a distance. Without prejudice to the possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities if the use of laboratories is necessary or for reasons of maintaining an educational relationship that achieves the effective school inclusion of students with disabilities and special educational needs. The periodicity of the training and curricular activities of the universities and institutions of high artistic, musical and dance training is suspended, without prejudice in any case to the continuation of these activities at a distance.
Barbieri. The barbers and hairdressers will remain closed, while the laundries and the cleaning of textiles and furs will be open; industrial laundries; dry cleaners; funeral services and related activities.
Shops and markets closed. Retail commercial activities are suspended, with the exception of the sale of food and basic needs, both in neighborhood shops and in medium and large sales structures, also included in shopping centers, provided that only the aforementioned activities are accessed and without prejudice to holiday closings and days before holidays. The markets are closed, regardless of the type of activity that takes place, except for activities aimed at the sale of food, agricultural and horticultural products only. Newsstands, tobacconists, pharmacies and parapharmacies remain open.
Individual sport. Individual motor activities are allowed in the vicinity of the home provided that in any case the distance of at least one meter from any other person is respected and with the obligation to use respiratory protection devices. It is also allowed to carry out sports activities exclusively outdoors and individually.
Swabs. In the territories affected by the ordinance, the isolation of the confirmed case cannot be interrupted after 21 days from the onset of symptoms, but must continue until a molecular test with a negative result is performed.