Pensions, share 41: there is a second possibility. Deadlines, requirements and access methods: what you need to know


The first term of the year for “precocious” workers, who intend to apply, is over. pension anticipated with fee 41. But there is a second chance for those who are late. In fact, current legislation provides for particular facilities in terms of flexibility to leave the world of work, with the possibility of retiring early depending on the maturity of the requirements provided by the social security system. But applications must be submitted in the first quarter of each year. Requests that exceed the maximum term, submitted no later than November 30, will be taken into account only in the case of residual financial resources. Only in the case of a positive result, also after the verification of the relative financial coverage, submit the application for early retirement online on the INPS website, through the Contact Center or by contacting the Patronati. A scheme, that of the “41 quota” dedicated to precocious workers, invoked several times by the League as an option to be extended to all workers in order to exceed 100.

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The law establishes that early workers enrolled in the Compulsory General Insurance, in its substitute or exclusive forms, in possession of contributory seniority as of December 31, 1995, can claim 12 months of effective contribution before the age of 19. Withdraw with 41 quota, that is, complete, as of December 31, 2026, 41 years of contributions regardless of the personal requirement, as long as they correspond to any of the categories entitled to the social APe. In order to access the pension with a quota of 41, regardless of age, in fact additional requirements are demanded from early workers. And this narrows the window down to four categories of workers.

The first is that of employees in a situation of unemployment, due to individual or collective dismissal, for just cause or consensual termination, who have completed the use of the SLEEP or other compensation due. Then there are the so-called “caregivers”, dependent and self-employed workers who, at the time of application, have been assisting their spouse or first degree relative living with a disability in a serious situation for at least 6 months in accordance with Law 194 The third category is that of dependent and self-employed workers who have a reduction in work capacity, with a percentage of civil disability greater than or equal to 74%. Finally, there are workers who perform strenuous or particularly onerous activities. What are they? They are tasks that must have been carried out for at least seven years in the last 10 years of work and are specified in law 67/2011. To these are added other professions indicated in the Budget Law of 2017.

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The 41-year contribution requirement can be perfected, if the interested party requests it, also by accumulating the insurance periods (as required by law 228 of December 24, 2012). But the precise differences in terms of initiation of treatment should be emphasized. For example, workers who meet the requirements as of January 1 obtain the right to begin retirement three months after its expiration, in accordance with the provisions of the respective regulations; While workers who accrue requirements as of January 1, even accumulating the periods of insurance in accordance with Law 228/2012, obtain the right to start their pension from the first day of the month following the opening of the window. relative.
