After the red areas, so is the much-maligned distance learning. As of Monday, March 8, throughout Piedmont, the teaching activity of secondary and secondary schools of second and third level will be carried out in 100% dad, for 15 days. On Friday, March 5, in the light of data from the more than 30 health districts of Piedmont, more restrictive measures will be taken by expanding distance education also for lower school levels and orders in areas where the incidence of infections exceeds the threshold alert (250 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants) or the other parameters in the implementation of the new Dpcm are present (certified presence of variant cases with restrictive actions already implemented and a sharp increase in infections in the last week). It is not yet known what impact these new measures will have in the province of Cuneo.
The reintroduction of the dad was announced today by the president of the Piedmont Region. Alberto Cirio that, together with the Councilor for Education Elena Chiorino, met with epidemiologists from the Crisis Unit and representatives of local authorities and the school world. “The new Dpcm indicates the situations in which even in the yellow or orange zone, as in the case of Piedmont, it is necessary to intervene in schools to contain the risk of rapid spread of infection – explain the president and the commissioner -. In addition to the threshold of 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants defined by the government, the epidemiologists in our crisis unit report an alert where the average of the last week is at least double compared to the previous three weeks. The contagion in this third pandemic phase has affected the western part of Piedmont more, while better data is recorded in the eastern part. “
Therefore, the areas of the Po and Infernotto valleys, in the Granda, and in the rest of the region the areas of the Torinese, Vercellese and Vco. Then there is the issue of the English variant present in a generalized way throughout Piedmont in half of the cases and which has a very high speed of diffusion and which also affects the young sectors of the population more.
That is why it is necessary to intervene quickly. “Even in the need to protect health, we will try to safeguard as far as possible face-to-face teaching in the range of 0 to 6 years, for disabled students and laboratories. We know how difficult it is for families and the strain that all parents must go through. We have received guarantees from the government on the immediate activation of parental leave and nanny bonuses.