New Dpcm, which changes for the school: 100% Dad for everyone in high-risk areas, stop educational trips, yes Pcto


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The new Dpcm of March 2, 2021 has been published in the Official Gazette that contains new measures to face the epidemiological emergency. What changes for school: from dad in the red and high risk zones to the stop on field trips.

Yellow and orange zone

Second grade high schools – Second grade secondary schools adopt flexible forms in the organization of teaching activities in accordance with articles 4 and 5 of the decree of the President of the Republic of March 8, 1999, n. 275, so that at least 50 percent and up to a maximum of 75 percent of the student population of the aforementioned institutions have guaranteed face-to-face teaching.

The remaining part of the student population uses distance education. The possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities is always guaranteed if it is necessary to use laboratories or maintain an educational relationship that achieves the effective school inclusion of students with disabilities and with Bes, in accordance with the provisions of the decree of the Ministry of Education. Education no. 89 of August 7, 2020, and by order of the Minister of Education n. 134 of October 9, 2020, while ensuring the online connection with the students in the class who are in integrated digital teaching.

Childhood-primary – The didactic and educational activity for educational services for infancy, for kindergarten and for the first cycle of education continues to be developed entirely in presence.

More expensive – The use of respiratory protection devices is mandatory except for children under six years of age and for people with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the aforementioned devices.

Dad in high-risk areas – The measure referred to in the first sentence of art. 43 (red areas) is ordered by the presidents of the autonomous regions or provinces in the areas, including municipalities, in which the presidents of the regions have adopted strict isolation measures due to the circulation of variants of SARS-CoV-2 characterized by high risk of
diffusivity or resistance to the vaccine or ability to induce severe disease.

The same measure can be ordered by the Presidents of the autonomous regions or provinces in all regional or provincial areas in which the accumulated weekly incidence of infections is greater than 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants or in case of an exceptional and justified situation of worsening of the epidemiological picture.


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New DPCM, there are 24 provinces at risk where schools can close [VIDEO]

Prefectural tables – In each Prefecture-UTG and within the permanent Provincial Conference referred to in art. 11, paragraph 3, of the legislative decree of July 30, 1999, n. 300, a coordination table is created, chaired by the prefect, to define the most appropriate link between the start and end times of teaching activities and the schedules of local, urban and extra-urban public transport services, depending on the availability of means of transport that can be used for this purpose, in order to facilitate school attendance, also taking into account the burden derived from returning to classes for all secondary school students.

Calendar – Second grade secondary schools modulate the ATA staff work plan, the hours of teaching activities for teachers and students, as well as the administrative offices, based on what is established in this paragraph.

Collegiate bodies – Meetings of the collegiate bodies of school and educational institutions at all levels continue to be held only remotely. The renewal of the collegiate bodies of educational institutions, if not completed, is carried out remotely in compliance with the principles of secrecy and freedom to participate in elections.

Cleaning – The managing entities ensure the cleanliness of the environments and the administrative and accounting obligations related to educational services for children. The owner of the property may authorize, together with the educational institutions, the managing entity the use of the spaces for the organization and realization of recreational, recreational and educational activities, non-school or formal, without prejudice to the activities of the same. Educational institutions.

The activities must be carried out with the help of qualified personnel, and with the obligation of the managers to adopt specific safety protocols in compliance with the guidelines referred to in Annex 8 and to proceed with the necessary cleaning and sanitation activities. Under the same conditions, public or private sports centers can also be used.

Educational trips, Pcto, Tfa – Educational trips, exchange or twinning initiatives, guided visits and educational outings, as they are called, programmed by educational institutions of all levels and levels are suspended, without prejudice to activities related to the paths of transversal competences and orientation, as well as the internship activities mentioned in the decree of the Ministry of Education, University and Research of September 10, 2010, n. 249, to be carried out in cases where it is possible to guarantee compliance with current health and safety requirements.

Red zone

The activities of the children’s educational services referred to in art. 2 of Legislative Decree April 13, 2017, n. 65, and the
School and educational activities in schools of all levels are carried out exclusively remotely.. Without prejudice to the possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities if the use of laboratories is necessary or for reasons of maintaining an educational relationship that achieves the effective school inclusion of students with disabilities and special educational needs.

New DPCM, schools closed in red areas. That’s when in the orange and yellow areas. All measurements valid until Easter [TESTO UFFICIALE e VIDEO GUIDA]

Measurements are valid from March 6 to April 6, 2021.

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