The first Minister Mario draghi He did not participate in the press conference on the Dpcm, despite the fact that it was the presentation of a decree by the president of the Council of Ministers. This was illustrated by Ministers Speranza and Gelmini. This absence is in keeping with her. communicative style, or rather, not communicative of Draghi.
The president, first of all, does not have social profiles. During the first Council of Ministers, according to a background, he would also have said: “We communicate what we do. We have not done anything yet and we are not communicating anything ”. That “we” means that even ministers and leaders of government forces should have a low profile. A week ago he met Matteo salvini at Palazzo Chigi for a slap of the ears: Draghi was probably upset by the Northern League’s support for the “Io Apro” movement, against the closure of restaurants at night. After the meeting, the president would have appreciated Salvini’s change of tone.
Someone justifies this lack of communication by Draghi by saying that he is not a politician, that he does not want to run and therefore does not need popular consent. Is not true. Communication is not just to do propaganda. And consent is not just for votes. Draghi’s lack of communication could cause a lot of problems for him, the government and the country. At least three. Let’s see the first one.
1 – A nation is not a bank
The bank is made up of cold numbers, the nation is made up of a people, a people who have feelings. If you cannot awaken the right feelings in the population, thanks to your communication, you will not be followed by it.
Last summer, for example, Italians had a strong desire for freedom, after spending months indoors. We paid for that freedom with the second wave. But a new confinement in summer would not have been accepted by the population, who probably would not have respected the restrictions imposed by the government. Conte was aware of this. Conte’s former spokesperson said: Rocco casalino, to Clean slate. Therefore, you must be concerned with the feelings of the nation you lead if you want them to follow you.
The reassuring and empathetic communication di Conte in phase 1 was one of the key factors for the population to follow. Conte, in fact, despite the sacrifices he asked of the Italians, he was highly appreciated.
If Draghi does not establish a solid relationship with the population, through effective and constant communication, the Italians will not follow him. We will have more and more protests on the street and the situation could spiral out of control.
2 – Even if Draghi does not communicate, the parties
At the moment Draghi is managing to impose low tones to the parties. But this year there will be elections in some major municipalities, including Rome, Milan me Naples. When the election campaign begins, party leaders seeking consensus will nod to disgruntled categories and make big promises. Therefore, they will urge some ministers and Draghi himself to change the government line.
At that point, if Draghi does not communicate, only the critical narrative of the parties will pass and his popularity will collapse. With it, your authority towards the population will also end.
3 – If Draghi doesn’t communicate, how will he deny the fake news?
Fake news affects everyone, always and in any case. They will also hit dragons. For now, when the buffalo, the parties will do the dirty work of denial. It will be the social networks and press releases of the leaders of the government forces, political ministers and some prominent exponents to fill the communication gap left by Draghi.
But what will happen when the parties refuse to do so? There may be times when letting go of certain fake news will add to the game of some leaders. There will be moments of coldness towards Draghi, during which they will not want to take his defense.
Let us remember that in the case of a very strong false news spread by Salvini and Meloni, that of the supposed activation of the Me by Conte – the former prime minister himself was forced to deny it during an important press conference at Palazzo Chigi. How will Draghi behave during a communication crisis like this, if he doesn’t communicate?
These are just a few of the reasons why not communicating is bad for you and others in politics. I hope President Draghi think again and to show oneself more to Italians, who need a guide present, even physically, in front of their eyes.